
作者:有叔北 | 发布日期:2024-09-24 11:44:35

?△?What are the types of billboards?

The types of billboards include: bus shelter advertising, street sign advertising, and outdoor advertising.

1. Bus shelter advertising:

It generally refers to building a rectangular light box inside the bus shelter, and adding images to the front and back sides of the light box for advertising. Also known as bus stop light box advertising. Bus shelter advertisements standing in people's transfer stations can make people feel a kind of visual pleasure while waiting, integrating viewing and careful reading, and their advertising effects are unique. The interactivity with the car body advertising further highlights the compre hensive advantages of bus advertising with suitable movement and sound.

2. Street sign advertising:

An important form of outdoor advertising on both sides of highways or traffic arteries. Street sign advertising is a form of advertising using inkjet printing or light boxes on both sides of highways or traffic arteries. It is an important form of outdoor advertising and a standardized design. On the one hand, street sign advertising can choose advertising forms according to the characteristics of the region. On the other hand, street sign advertising can provide repeated publicity to fixed consumers who often move around the city, making them deeply impre ssed.

3. Outdoor advertising:

Neon lights, billboards, posters, etc. set up on the exterior of buildings or in outdoor public places such as streets and squares. Outdoor advertising is open to all the public, so it is difficult to select a specific target audience. However, outdoor advertising can display the company's image and brand in a fixed location for a long time, so it is very effective in increasing the visibility of the company and brand.

Extended information:


1. Copy of store business license or industrial and commercial name approval 2

2. 2 copies of the rental contract;

3. 2 copies of outdoor billboard renderings (the renderings need to be in color, and the door should be about 80CM above and below when shooting) Take pictures of everything);

4. Application report (including setting location, release time, content, form, specifications, quantity; in duplicate);

5. Copy of property rights certificate 2 copies;

6. 1 copy of store location map; (can be downloaded from Baidu or other websites, but the specific location of the store must be marked on the map).

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - bus shelter advertising

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - street sign advertising

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - outdoor advertising

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Billboard