
1、2020 National Traffic Safety Day handwritten newspaper simple drawing

2020 National Traffic Safety Day is just around the corner. Speaking of traffic safety, you must have a lot of traffic safety knowledge to share with everyone. , then draw a handwritten newspaper for National Traffic Safety Day. The following is a simple drawing of a handwritten newspaper for National Traffic Safety Day that I compiled for you. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Welcome to read!

National Traffic Safety Day Traffic Safety Day handwritten newspaper simple drawing

National Traffic Safety Day Composition

Wide roads, advanced road safety facilities, Can traffic regulations that are constantly being updated really have a lasting and stable effect on traffic safety? If so, then why do traffic accidents continue to occur every year? It can be seen that traffic safety protection has not achieved real results. And whose fault is this?

It’s people’s fault. The state has given us the guarantee of traffic safety, but we often only care about our own convenience and interests, and fail to abide by traffic regulations. Have you ever thought about what the consequences of this would be?

Look! That overloaded truck was struggling to move forward. The driver didn’t stop at the red light, just rushing around at will, just to make the delivery. , get a salary, regardless of the consequences of violating the rules. But does this driver understand? Just for such a small amount of wages, violating traffic regulations is very likely to ruin his life in an instant, and how can this priceless life be bought by money? Look! That tragedy will be staged after all. The wheels were stained red with blood, and the victims' relatives were extremely grieved

Ah! Another tragedy! On the sidewalk, a motorcycle was driving fast and knocked down an old woman. The old woman died immediately. I don't understand why motorcycle drivers don't drive on the road but insist on breaking into non-motorized lanes? It's just for convenience and trouble, but it causes another pre cious life to leave this world. And this will make many victims shed tears of grief and break up their families!

In terms of maintaining traffic safety, each of us has responsibilities and obligations. Life is pre cious but fragile. We hope that everyone can consciously abide by traffic rules and make our living environment safer and more perfect.

National Traffic Safety Day slogan

1. Drunk (sin) is in the wine, ruin (repentance) is in the cup.

2. Nine times out of ten you get into trouble and nine times out of bounds, don’t compete with the God of Death.

3. Civility, courteousness and safety are there, and accidents can happen in an instant.

4. People must drive on the right to be safe, and cars must drive slowly to be safe.

5. Solid and dotted zebra crossings are life safety lines.

6. Although it is a smooth road - stop speeding; even if there is a shortcut - stop speeding.

7. Overtaking and speeding are fun for a while, but lead to a car accident and regret for the rest of your life.

8. Courtesy means three points of safety, and rushing to the next step will regret it.

9. The road is not a competition ground, so do not collide reasonably.

10. Please wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. Sweating is better than bleeding.

11. Love your wife, children, and family, and ignoring traffic rules means nothing.

12. Seat belts are always a lifeline, and traffic lights always protect people who obey the rules.

13. Jaywalking is the most dangerous. Walk in a civilized way to ensure safety.

14. If you cross the highway illegally, you will inevitably end up on the road to hell.

15. If the heart has no rules, the road will be bumpy.

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