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Classic familiar popular billboard

淡仲茉2024-09-21 11:43:25威海广告网百科4221
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于Classic familiar popular billboard的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
I want to make a ham billboard, what content should it usually contain?
1. Make it with care and feel free to eat it.
Pairing 2. Luxurious taste, natural and delicious.
3. Italian-style ham, with noble taste.
4. Ready-to-eat delicious food, enjoy the dignity.
5. High-end ham, delicious.
6. Royal taste, civilian price.
7. A different kind of ham, a different flavor.
8. Chinese delicacy, Italian flavor.
9. Same delicious food, super low price.
10. Noble but not expensive, with extraordinary taste.
11. Italian flavor, Chinese price.
12. Ecological handmade ham, ready to eat noble and delicious.
13. Italian ham, taste the deliciousness of life.
14. Experience Italian palace ham, the taste is supre me and noble.
15. Refined by ecological masters, enjoy delicious food at low price.
16. Jinhua ham has a profound meaning.
17. Palace taste, civilian price.
18. Showy but not extravagant, respectful but not expensive.
19. Handmade by famous teachers, showing noble style.
20. Ham made with the royal secret recipe, Italian style ready-to-eat is more delicious.
 21. Luxurious taste, delicious and inexpensive.
 22. Italian Palace Ham, inheriting the classic taste.
 23. Prosciutto ham is still something to be desired.
24. Originated from Pena, Italy, and extracted from nature.
 25. Taste Jinhua ham and enjoy the Italian flavor.
26. Used by the royal court, luxurious and honorable.
27. Made with fine ingredients and unique flavor.
28. Get the "meaning" delicious taste, and it will be fragrant when you eat it.
 29. Enjoy delicious food and noble nutrition.
30. The unexpected delicious food is not only noble but also delicious.
31. Royal palace banquet, delicious food will be passed down forever.
32. Lips and teeth will always fight, just because they linger.
33. Italian-style ham has a profound "meaning" flavor.
34. The price is satisfactory and the taste is satisfactory.
35. A certain Italian-style ham, the ultimate taste of happiness.
36. Created by master craftsmen, feel the noble taste.
37. Taste the essence of delicious food, starting with prosciutto.
38. Taste the essence of delicious food and enjoy the dignity of the palace.
39. Shangpinzhen selects ham, all in Italian Jinhua.
40. Conscious taste, a taste of style.
41. Italian handicrafts, used by the royal court, enjoy at a good price.
42. Taste prosciutto and enjoy the beauty of life.

What are some classic and unforgettable advertisements?
1. The billboard of the German Solingen Razor Company shows the sharpness of its products in a unique way. A rubber dove cut into several sections was placed under the billboard to vividly illustrate the sharpness of the razor, making it an unforgettable sight.
2. On the billboard of Nationwide Insurance Company, the paint bucket seems likely to fall down at any time, which vividly conveys the risk awareness that "anything can happen" and reminds people to buy insurance to pre vent unexpected events.
3. In 2006, Leo Burnett Advertising Company produced the "Sundial" billboard for McDonald's. A clock was set up on the roof, and a McDonald's food was placed on each hour number. This innovative form of expre ssion made the advertising effect achieve The best.
4. The billboards placed by Nike on the roadside in Mexico and the United States have built-in treadmills to encourage passers-by to stop and run. Depending on how many miles a runner completes, Nike will make a corresponding donation to the Children's Fund. This interactivity makes the advertisement deeply rooted in people's hearts.
5. Penline Tape Company is confident in its products. The four corners of the billboard are fixed with tape, which vividly demonstrates the strong bonding effect of its products, which is impre ssive.
6. The energy-saving lamp billboard uses a motion sensor. When pedestrians walk under the bulb, the bulb brightens. This intuitive display method makes it easy to remember this energy-saving lamp.
7. The design on the billboard of the special-shaped shirt customization company shows its unique customization services, making people remember the brand at a glance.
8. The advertisement board for Dumocalcin chewable calcium uses bones as an image to show the product’s powerful function of supplementing calcium. The image is vivid and unforgettable.
Through these creative advertisements, we can see that sometimes, without too much investment, as long as you add a little creativity, you can impre ss others on your business and make your brand the first thing they think of when purchasing.