Which department should I complain about if the billboard is broken?

本文目录一览1、A billboard "fell from the sky" and a young child in Chengdu was injured. How should the family protect their rights?

When we usually walk on the street, we can see billboards hanging on some shops or high-rise buildings. The billboards may look harmless, but they can become invisible killers. . If the billboard is not firmly secured, it can easily fall from high altitude and hit passers-by. A child was injured in Chengdu. In such a situation, how should the family protect their rights? Who is responsible for this? Let’s learn some relevant knowledge together, so that if we encounter similar things in the future, we will know who can be held responsible and which department we should complain to.

A child in Chengdu was injured by a billboard.

Ms. Huang, who lives in Chengdu, took her little grandson to buy ice cream. Unexpectedly, before she arrived at the ice cream shop, she was hit by a billboard in the China Telecom business hall. This billboard was covered with iron sheets. The packaging, while inside is a piece of wood, makes the entire billboard look larger and heavier. The billboard hit the child's head with a big bump, and the child's mouth even bled. The situation seemed dangerous at the time. The child is still being treated in the ICU, but his life is not in danger for the time being.

Why did the billboard fall?

The China Telecom business hall has been open here for more than three years, and the billboard has been hanging on it for several years. When the billboard was knocked down, the entire piece was rotten, and the wood inside was also damaged. It fell apart, and the wood was badly rotted. It can be seen from this that the merchant did not replace the billboard in time, causing the rotten billboard to fall from the top.

How should family members protect their rights?

According to relevant regulations, merchants should conduct safety inspections on billboards. Once a billboard is found to be in safety danger or is broken, it needs to be replaced in time. Obviously, the telecommunications business office did not fulfill its relevant obligations and responsibilities, so the telecommunications business office needs to be held responsible for this matter. The family members can negotiate with the telecommunications business office to handle this matter. If the negotiation fails, they can use legal means to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

2、What should I do if a child damages the outdoor billboard if it is too low?
There is a chance that outdoor advertising will be vandalized, so just take protective measures. I don’t think you would stop doing it just because you’re worried about someone sabotaging it.

3、My car was hit by a billboard, who should be responsible for compensation?

My car was hit by a billboard, who should be responsible for compensation? In windy weather, park vehicles as far away from potential hazards as billboards, trees, telephone poles, etc. However, if the billboard is damaged by a billboard, if the owner or unit of the billboard can be determined, you can negotiate with the other party for compensation; if the corresponding owner cannot be found, you need to apply for insurance for compensation.

A car parked on the roadside was hit by a billboard. Everyone is helpless when encountering such a thing. For such things, first check whether there is any violation when parking. If there is a violation, you need to bear part of the responsibility. If there is no violation, the responsibility lies with the owner, manager or user of the billboard.

According to Article 85 of the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China, "If a building, structure or other facility and its resting and suspended objects fall off or fall causing damage to others, the owner, manager or "If the user cannot prove that he is not at fault, he shall bear tort liability". There are generally three parties responsible for infringement in such disputes: one is the owner, which is easier to understand; the other is the manager, who is responsible for the billboard. The person who has management and maintenance obligations; the third is the user, which generally refers to the person who uses the billboard for leasing, borrowing or other circumstances.

However, generally billboards are maintained by people from property companies, so you only need to contact the advertiser and property company, and they will be held responsible.

Every case is different, and the insurance terms in each region are also slightly different! It mainly depends on how the car damage insurance liability was agreed upon when the car was insured, and whether there are any additional exemption clauses! In most cases, insurance companies will pre fer to ask the owner of the billboard to compensate directly. If the owner cannot be found, most will waive the compensation by 30%. If a third-party special insurance cannot be found, 100% compensation will be paid! However, I still have to say that living in China, there is no standard for how to compensate. It depends on the attitude of the car owner and how they talked about it at the time!

The above are some of my personal suggestions and ideas. If you have better ideas, you can comment below the article. If my answer can satisfy you, I hope You can like, collect and comment.
