How much does a square meter of LED billboard cost in Suzhou?

I、Make door billboards. How much does it cost per square meter
The price of door billboards varies depending on many factors such as material, size, design complexity, geographical location and production technology. Generally speaking, the price of door billboards ranges from a few hundred yuan to several thousand yuan per square meter.
First of all, material is an important factor affecting price. Common door billboard materials include aluminum-plastic panels, acrylic panels, LED displays, etc. Aluminum-plastic panels are relatively low-priced and suitable for making simple door billboards; while LED displays are more expensive, but the effect is more dynamic and eye-catching. Therefore, choosing different materials will directly affect the price of door billboards.
Secondly, size and design complexity will also affect price. Large-sized billboards require more materials and production time, so the price will be relatively high. At the same time, if the design complexity is high and requires more craftsmanship and detail processing, the production cost will also increase.
In addition, geographical location is also one of the factors that affects the price. Price levels and labor costs are different in different regions, so the price of door billboards will also vary. Generally speaking, prices in developed areas will be relatively high.
Finally, the production process will also have an impact on the price. Different production processes and production technologies require different equipment and labor costs, so the prices will also vary. For example, the price of high-pre cision inkjet printing technology and CNC cutting technology will be relatively high.
To sum up, the price of door billboards varies due to many factors, and a specific quotation needs to be made based on the actual situation. If you have a need to produce a doorway billboard, it is recommended to consult a local advertising production company or related agency to learn about the specific price and service content.
