A facade billboard costs 2,000 yuan

作者:栗孟嘉 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 19:16:11

⒈I want to replace a facade billboard, why do I need to pay the urban management department? Is there any basis for it?

Take Beijing as an example. If you change a billboard without authorization, you need to report to the urban management department. Remarks.

According to Article 38 of the "Beijing City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Regulations", this city implements unified planning for outdoor advertising facilities. Outdoor advertising shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of professional planning and shall comply with safety technical standards for outdoor advertising facilities. Anyone who violates the regulations will be ordered to dismantle it within a time limit by the compre hensive urban management law enforcement department. If it is not dismantled within the time limit, it will be forcibly dismantled and a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan will be imposed.

If the owner and manager cannot be determined, the compre hensive urban management law enforcement department shall issue an announcement in the public media and the location of the outdoor advertisement to urge the owner or manager to correct the illegal behavior. The announcement period shall not be less than 15 days. If the illegal behavior is not corrected after the expiration of the announcement period, the city management compre hensive law enforcement department will forcibly demolish it.

In other words, facade billboards need to be set up in accordance with the requirements of the urban management outdoor advertising, rather than individuals deciding the size or planning billboards without authorization. Therefore, if the relevant regulations are not met, the urban management has the right to remove the billboards and impose penalties on the billboard holders.

Extended information:

Remarks are required when replacing billboards, because merchants are not allowed to change or install billboards without permission.

Taking Beijing as an example, Article 39 of the "Beijing City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Regulations" clearly stipulates that when setting up outdoor advertisements, the following regulations must be observed:

(1) Keep it safe and secure , intact and tidy, no vacancies, no damage, stains, serious fading, etc.;

(2) Keep the outdoor advertising display in the form of neon lights, electronic displays (signs), light boxes and other carriers intact and constantly bright and No damage.

Anyone who violates the provisions of the pre ceding paragraph shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and may be fined not less than 500 yuan but not more than 5,000 yuan; if neon lights, electronic display screens, light boxes, etc. are broken or damaged, they shall be stopped from use until repaired.

In other words, installing or changing billboards must be set up in accordance with relevant regulations, especially outdoor advertising, which must be set up and installed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Beijing City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Regulations".

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Beijing City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Regulations