Vertical 4-character billboard renderings

A good logo can stand out from the overwhelming visual information with a small picture, and with its accurate meaning, it can act as an "image ambassador" for enterprises, individuals or groups.
①Easy to identify. The recognition of visual images comes first from the recipient's familiarity with the object and the echoing feeling in the soul evoked by this familiarity. There is no doubt that human beings are the most familiar with their own image. In the dissemination of information, logos using human symbols are often more direct and vivid than other graphics and text, and they are also easier to be understood by a wide range of audiences.
② Be artistic. The human form is the embodiment of purity, sincerity and beauty, and is a natural work of art in nature. Integrating its own artistry into logo design can increase the expre ssiveness of the logo and reflect the beauty of balanced rhythm and harmony.
③Emotionally persuasive. Logo can possess human expre ssion, human breath and life through character symbols. As an intuitive visual symbol, signs with human expre ssions focus on understanding and sensory reality, and are closely related to human emotions and emotions to meet the emotional and emotional requirements of the public.
The wonderful use of character symbols makes the expre ssion of the logo more vivid and attracts the attention of customers. By giving the logo emotion, it makes it more rhythmic and resonates with people's emotions. This not only makes the logo more interesting With affinity, it also enables the enterprise or institution repre sented by the logo to create a lasting and friendly visual relationship with users, making communication with customers convenient and simple.
Text itself is a very expre ssive visual form. As an important tool for humans to expre ss their intentions, it is highly understandable and legible. Text graphics are of great significance in highlighting the personality of the logo and enhancing the accuracy of logo recognition. The words are exaggerated, deformed or replaced to evolve into human shapes, making the words more interesting, approachable and spiritual.
The logo that incorporates text into human body symbols is elegant, fashionable, and full of interest. It is a combination of the beauty of imagery and the beauty of form. It is easy to attract people's attention, conveys basic information, and can give people a relaxed and pleasant visual aesthetic feeling. . Recommended reading: Keep improving! Expre ssion Techniques of Excellent Logo
With long-term repetition of practice, human beings have understood various geometric figures and their changing rules, and have widely used them in various design fields. In logo design, various geometric shapes such as rectangles, squares, polygons, rhombuses, circles, ovals, triangles, etc. can be arranged and combined to cleverly form interesting human shapes.
For example: The logo of the Macos operating system is designed with rectangular elements to look like a smiling "face", which can also be seen as two people communicating face to face. The logo embodies the humanity of the operating system, and the concise graphics are vivid and expre ssive, achieving a balance between high technology and high emotion.
The elements of pen and ink can fully reflect the natural casualness and vivid simplicity, and have a wide range of integration space and huge humanistic potential in modern art and design. In recent years, pen and ink have been widely used in design, such as the logo of Beijing's 2008 Olympic bid and the Paralympic Games. The emotion of pen and ink runs through it, giving the logo a vivid imagination with unique cultural charm and soul of image.
The pen and ink line method is to expre ss the human image in the form of pen and ink lines. It requires simplicity and smoothness, a complete image, and appropriate reality and reality. It must not only reflect the shape of the person, but also boldly summarize and exaggerate, so that It is expre ssive, distinctive and full of interest.
For example: the emblem of the 11th National Games uses pen and ink elements and is composed of 11 "competitive human figures". The shapes of various sports in the graphics are interspersed with each other and coexist harmoniously. The concise form is full of interest and reflects the It embodies the spirit and concept of "Harmonious China, National Movement for All".
Silhouettes are generally dark subjects against a bright background. The expre ssiveness of the silhouette image depends on the sharp outline of the image's movements. The silhouette expre ssion method of character symbols uses the silhouette effect to expre ss the outline of the human form in an interesting way.
Character symbols include specific human shapes, facial features, limbs, etc., which are considered to be the windows of human emotions. Their shapes are beautiful and coordinated. The human body is known for its strict symmetry, exquisite proportions, and perfect outlines. , subtle undulations and harmonious rhythms constitute the most perfect shape in the universe.
Expre ssing emotions is the biggest advantage of character symbols. It can stimulate aesthetic resonance between designers and users or appre ciators. It also meets the psychological needs of today's consumers and can produce better visual effects. Convey information vividly.
