Do I need to make billboards to get a business license?

I、Do I need to go through the advertising registration procedures for door billboards?


Form collection: To apply for self-set door advertising, you must bring your unit's business license or legal person certificate of a public institution and other valid documents to the industrial and commercial branch or industrial and commercial office where your unit is located to receive an outdoor advertising registration application form;

To apply for commercial outdoor advertising, you need to bring a copy (original) of the advertising company's business license to the industrial and commercial branch where the company is located to receive an outdoor advertising registration application form.

Documents and certificates that should be submitted:

Application for self-designed outdoor advertising:

Outdoor advertising registration application form;

Outdoor advertising Set up approval documents;

Valid business license (certificate of legal person of a public institution, etc.).

Extended information:

The following materials are required to register store signage (own outdoor advertising):

1. Urban management Decision on administrative licensing matters;

2. A copy of the business license of the place of establishment;

3. A copy of the rental agreement and property ownership certificate;

4. The actual rendering of the advertisement stamped and confirmed by the Urban Management Office;

5. If you use your own registered trademark, provide a copy of the trademark registration certificate;

6. If you use another person’s registered trademark, provide a copy of the trademark registration certificate Documents and documents issued by the trademark registrant agreeing to use the trademark

7. All copies must be stamped with the official seal

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia - Billboard

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