Advertising light sign at shop entrance

⓵A must read for students who are new to self-media.

Tutorial on starting a short video account

1. 7 steps to start a short video account


·First clarify your interests and hobbies

·What are your strengths and abilities?

·What value can you bring to your fans

·Who is your target user for making money

2-Find a benchmark account

·Make account positioning through self-analysis and choose the track to participate

·Find at least 10 outstanding peers (accounts at three levels)

3-Build an account homepage

·Avatar, nickname, homepage picture, introduction and basic information< /p>

·Be professional, eye-catching, concise and clear, you can refer to peers

4-Work production

·Find 20 excellent works from peer accounts that match your own style Works

·Disassemble and analyze the shooting techniques of the work copywriting and imitate shooting

5-Effectively publish works

·Publish 2 to 3 articles a day, 06: 00, 12:00, 20:00

·You can increase the traffic of your works, and you can also test the time period to adjust the release time. Note: Do not publish too many videos in one day, as they may be easily detected as inferior videos by the platform and be affected. The overall operation of the account (reducing rights, limiting traffic, banning, and account closure)

6-Analyzing data

·Look at the 5-second completion rate and the overall completion rate

·Adjust the content of subsequent works through data feedback

·Analyze the problems of your own works

7-Streaming assistance

·Select 3~ 5 excellent data placements

·Select the experts to give likes and comments

2. Shirt video release time

1-Regular release time< /p>

Morning: 6:00~8:00, noon: 11:30~1400, evening: 18:00~22:00

2-Release times in different fields

Emotional category: 22:00-23:00

Parenting category: 18:00-19:00

Entrepre neurship category: 21:00-23:00


Food Category: 12:00-24:00

Knowledge Category: 15:00-22:00

Health Category: 07:00-17:00< /p>

Funny category: 12:00-18:00

Travel category: 06:00-21:00

3-According to the active time of account fans

Creator Service Platform-Data Center-Fan Data, check the online time of fans, publish works half an hour in advance during the time when fans are active, and understand the active time of your fans. Posting videos can easily be clicked by accurate fans to view and interact. This will By better improving the completion rate and like rate, the video will easily gain greater traffic

3. Basic knowledge that needs to be mastered

① One person can handle 15 mobile phones Card, make 15 numbers (but 1 card, 1 machine, 1 number)

②One ID card can register N business licenses

③One business license can open 2 blue Vs

④A blue V can open a Douyin store

⑤A store can be bound to 5 Douyin accounts

⑥Open a blue V V can open a shop window with zero fans

⑦If you open a small shop, you can also open a shop window with zero fans

⑧If you don’t know how to cut videos, you can search for “Cutting Assistant” to learn

⑨You don’t need to write the copy yourself, and you can get a lot of creative ideas

⑩Followers who are related to each other are useless and will mess up the account tags. If you want mutual fans, you must also have mutual fans who are interested in your field. Accurate fans

①①Accounts are tagged, and the recommended topics for searching for creative inspiration are your account tags

①②You don’t have to wait to add tags, just vote for DOU+, and you can quickly follow similar experts Tag

①③You don’t need to maintain an account to make short videos. You can register and post on the same day

①④The platform has free advertising space. Add # before posting the video and enter your store name. After it is published, it can be searched on the platform

①⑤ Locate the location of your store before publishing the work, and select the priority to be visible in the same city so that users can navigate to your store with one click

4. Pseudo-knowledge that short video novices need to know

1-Hold together for warmth

Regardless of genres and industries, resulting in confusing labels and inaccurate fans


Account level has nothing to do with push. The purpose of raising your level is to allow you to earn gifts

3-Active account

How many points per day? How many gifts are floating on the light sign, and the flashing in and out of the live broadcast room affects the weight

4-Gully trust in the current limit

Cancel the account at every turn, trying to find a way to improve the quality of the work

5 -Publish your works

If your work is not good at being voted on, it will not be popular

6-Start with zero followers

People who start with zero followers are new accounts from veterans. , has value in itself

7- Believe in the simplicity of earning Q

If you don’t study hard, you will always be led by others
