How to modify the billboard color if it is too gray

⒈Is high-end gray a color? What is the RGB value?

High-end gray does not refer to a fixed color, but a color relationship. The RGB value of neutral gray is 143.

High-grade gray has the characteristics of softness, calmness, stability and roundness, color tendency but natural but not obtrusive, and contrasts that are harmonious but harmonious but different. High-grade gray refers more to low color purity. Bright colors will give people a strong sense of emotion and will make people tired after looking at them for a long time, but gray will give people the richest and broadest space.

Extended information:

Things to note when using "Advanced Gray" to color:

1. "Advanced Gray" Not "advanced black"

Some people like to reduce the saturation of certain colors in the picture to create a black and white effect, while retaining the color of individual colors. They think this is a simple and crude "advanced gray". However, this way of handling often gives others a depre ssing and abrupt feeling. Advanced gray reduces color purity rather than removing color.

2. Reduce color purity, but pay attention to picture transparency, moderate contrast, clean color matching, and appropriate clarity.

3. Pay attention to the relationship between light and dark levels and color contrast

Although advanced gray has low contrast and low saturation in color, the relationship between light and dark in the picture must be expre ssed to make the picture Has a layered feel. Content with slightly brighter brightness and relatively bright colors should appear in the picture as points of interest.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Advanced Gray
