
⒈How powerful is a 3.4-magnitude earthquake?

M≥3 and less than 4.5 are called felt earthquakes. These earthquakes can be felt by people, but generally do not cause damage.

Earthquake magnitudes are divided into nine levels. Generally, people cannot feel earthquakes smaller than 2.5, people can feel earthquakes above 2.5, and earthquakes above 5 will cause damage.

1. Earthquakes with a magnitude less than 1 are generally called ultramicroseismic.

2. Those with M ≥ 1 and less than 3 are called weak earthquakes or micro-earthquakes. If the source of the earthquake is not very shallow, it is generally difficult for people to detect such earthquakes.

3. Those with M≥3 and less than 4.5 are called felt earthquakes. These earthquakes can be felt by people, but generally do not cause damage.

4. M≥4.5 and less than 6 are called moderately strong earthquakes (such as the 9.7 Yiliang earthquake), which are earthquakes that can cause damage, but the severity of the damage also depends on the focal depth, epicenter distance, etc. factors related.

5. M≥6 and less than 7 are called strong earthquakes (such as the 8.3 Ludian earthquake and the 2.6 Kaohsiung earthquake).

6. M≥7, and those with less than 8 are called major earthquakes (such as the 8.8 Jiuzhaigou earthquake, the 4.14 Yushu earthquake, the 4.20 Ya'an earthquake, and the 7.18 Kamchatka Peninsula earthquake in Russia).

Those with magnitudes 7, 8 and above are called huge earthquakes (such as the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake and the 3.11 Japan earthquake).

Extended information:


1. If the situation is urgent, hide under a sturdy table or other furniture. Protect your head. It is best to put a cushion on your head. If there is no cushion, protect your head with your hands and hold the table legs to avoid excessive shaking.

2. Turn off the gas stove immediately if you have time. If the light is on, turn off the light. This approach will reduce the damage caused by earthquakes.

3. When an earthquake occurs, do not rush outdoors in panic. Pay attention to injuries caused by falling billboards and tiles, or falling pre fabricated panels of buildings, collapsed walls, etc. Stay away from high walls and telephone poles. Wait for the tall building and run to the wide area.

4. If you are close to the door, open the door first, because the earthquake will cause structural damage to the building and dislocation of door frames and window frames, which will affect escape.

5. If you are in public places such as theaters and supermarkets when an earthquake occurs, you must follow the instructions of the staff and evacuate in an orderly manner to avoid stampede and other accidents caused by chaos caused by crowding.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Earthquakes

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Feeling Earthquakes
