Why isn’t the cba billboard removed?

⒈They are both arenas, so why is there such a big gap in viewing levels between the CBA and NBA arenas?

The first obvious thing is the seating arrangement. The NBA auditorium is very close to the venue and looks like it is integrated with the stadium. The CBA has obviously created a connection between the venue and the audience. A very obvious division:

The first is advertising, surrounded by billboards, forming a wall between the venue and the audience, and If you look closely, you can also find that the players of the team are all sitting behind the billboard, directly separated from the field. There is a high step between the player seats and the auditorium, putting the audience far behind;

Below the basketball stand is the pre ss box. Behind the NBA pre ss box are all the auditoriums, but the back of this arena is actually so empty. Why should it be made into an arc blank area? The auditorium behind the backboard is separated by this large blank space.

Looking back at NBA players, they are completely sitting on the sideline, and the audience behind them is unobstructed.

In addition, the corner of the CBA court is completely empty to form a huge black hole corridor. Although the NBA court is also a passage for players to exit from that angle, if you don’t look carefully, it feels like it is full of people. , and those who have watched the live broadcast have seen the players walking through this aisle. This aisle is very small. As far as this Guangdong arena is concerned, the aisle is at least three times wider than the NBA. From this perspective, It looks hollow.

After talking about the sidelines, let’s look inside the court. What do you think is the most undervalued part of the CBA Arena? Yes, that's the basketball stand. I don't know if the basketball stand in CBA is good, but from the look and feel, it's too low. It looks so thin, especially with this super earthy paint scheme. There is also the timer on the backboard, what is that? I have always felt that the CBA square timer is particularly unstable. When I watch CBA games, when there is a slam dunk, the timer on it swings so much that I am really afraid that it will break and hit the players. Then there is still a problem with the color matching. , the green numbers are so ugly, who designed the red and green ones.

One more thing about the basket, this basket sounds very unstable! I watched a game yesterday. One team shot a three-pointer, but it missed and hit the basket. The basket actually made a huge noise, the kind of sound that should be caused by loose screws oscillating back and forth! This kind of sound is also very damaging to the perception!

There is also the floor. I don’t know what kind of floor the CBA uses, but the NBA seems to have strict requirements on the floor. As a layman, it seems that the CBA floor is poorly reflective.

During NBA broadcasts, you can often see the floor reflecting the light from the technical table screen, as well as the arena surround screen, the central large screen, etc. I specifically found several CBA venues to watch, and basically Not being able to see these things may also be one of the problems that affects the visual perception.

Secondly, let’s talk about our Wukesong Arena. You said that the CBA doesn’t have that much money to build and maintain the arena. So as an Olympic venue, there will be no money, right? First of all, I look back at the 2008 Olympic Games. When China VS the United States, the American team often slipped and fell at Wukesong Stadium. Several defenders of the American team were hit several times. I think this should be a floor problem.
