Those weird and scary billboards

一、What spooky and scary places have you been to?

My grandma’s family used to live in the countryside. I remember that during the winter and summer vacations, I liked to go there to play when I had nothing to do. Because there are children there, the scariest place I have ever been to is a tunnel under a train in my hometown. I remember that there was a rumor in our area at that time that there would be ghosts in that cave.

I was very young at the time, and I always thought this was adults trying to trick us kids into not going there. Because there is a train track above it. And it is relatively far away from the village. If you go there often, if something happens, this is something that no one can afford. However, one time when we were chatting, we had to prove who was braver.

When I was a child, I was very curious and competitive, so I volunteered to tell them that I could go to that place for a walk. They didn't believe me and said I was bragging. Then you said I couldn't keep my face, so I had to bite the bullet and find out. But when I walked up to it, the distance was probably about 20 meters, I stood there and stopped moving.

Because I really remembered what my grandma once said to me. She said there was some uncleanness there and you should never go there, especially for people like me who are born with Yin and Yang eyes. It's very easy to provoke something on my body. Anyway, I still didn’t go to that place afterwards.

Therefore, I was ridiculed by my friends. When I stand far away from that place, I always feel a chill on my back. Anyway, I don’t dare to take another step forward. I think that place is really eerie and scary.

I still remember one time, some of our friends wanted to go to a haunted house. I am naturally timid because I have seen a lot of these ghosts and strange things since I was a child. It may be a big shadow in my heart. But there was nothing I could do. My classmates all said they wanted to take a look, so there was no way I could dampen everyone's interest. So I had to go to the haunted house for a walk.

I still remember that when I first entered, the facilities inside all moved on their own. At first, I didn’t know these things would behave like this. When I walked closer to the alms and took a closer look, I saw a snake inside.

Although the snake was fake, it suddenly moved on its own. Damn it, it shocked me, I yelled, "Oh my God!" Unexpectedly, this sentence scared all my friends. They all blamed me and said that scaring people will scare them to death.

Hey, I have no choice but to bite the bullet and keep going. As I walked, I didn't expect that there was a staff member in this haunted house who pre tended to be a ghost to scare others. Just when he was on duty, as soon as I turned around, he suddenly appeared in front of me, which really scared me.

My backhand was like a mouthful, and I breathed directly into this person’s face. To be honest, this was my first reaction at the time. If I had been too courageous to bear it, I would have fainted. Unexpectedly, after this slap in the mouth, the man said lightly: "Fuck!" Why is it still like this? This is already the third time.

二、A corpse was found behind a billboard in Taizhou Fortune Plaza. How was the corpse discovered?

To give you a brief summary, this incident happened on the 26th. However, according to the autopsy personnel at the time, the body was that of a woman because it was now highly decomposed. If you can't identify who the deceased is, it means that the deceased died several days ago. It stands to reason that with the current temperature, the putrid smell of the corpse should have been smelled and discovered long ago, but next to it is Because it was a restaurant and there were trash cans where garbage was piled, everyone thought it was the smell coming from the kitchen garbage and didn’t pay too much attention to it. However, one of the stores was going to be renovated, and the sign in front of it happened to be The inside was where the body was. After the maintenance staff opened the billboard, they discovered the body inside and called the police. So the reason why the body was found was because the store needed renovation due to the transfer, so there was a follow-up. things.

At pre sent, the case is still under further investigation. It is still unclear who the body is. However, pre liminary judgment shows that the cause of death of the deceased is consistent with the characteristics of falling from a high-rise building. Therefore, the possibility of falling to death is greater. Before the matter is investigated clearly, it is not suitable to go there. After doing too much analysis, I believe that the police will definitely get some useful information through various clues and investigations of surrounding people, including monitoring of surveillance, to carry out the next investigation of the case, and at the same time, it will also reveal the truth for us. I want to know the answer to the mystery, what was the cause of her death? who is he?

This incident also reflects a problem, that is, the seriousness of the matter is often right in front of us, but because of some small things around us, The influence of factors makes our judgment wrong, causing our subjective thinking to occupy our judgment and ignoring objective factors. At the same time, it also reflects from the side that nowadays, people have a very rich and complete understanding of fragrance. However, there is a relative lack of identification of odors. We all know that the odors emitted by the corpses of plants and animals after decay are different. Then, the odors emitted by different animals are also different. , but because of experience, we cannot distinguish the characteristics of taste and smell.

It also shows that our current social security is very strict and safe, because the probability of this happening is very, very low, that is to say, Normally, we would only see and hear about such incidents on TV and novels. Also thumbs up for our social security officers and the soundness of our social system!
