
壹、What fees are included in the upfront fee of the project?
The upfront fee of the project includes the following expenses:
Approval fees paid by relevant government departments.
For example: civil air defense project construction fee, planning management fee, new material fund (or wall renovation special fund), teacher housing fund (or primary and secondary school teacher housing subsidy fee), demolition management fee, bidding management fee, etc.
 (2) Planning and design fees: overall planning and design, individual design fees, pipeline design fees, renovation design fees, feasibility study fees (including market research fees paid to social intermediary service agencies), and drawings after the project is approved , drawing publishing fee, planning and design model production fee, plan review fee.
 (3) Survey and measurement fees: hydrology, geology, cultural relics and foundation survey fees, settlement observation fees, sunshine test fees, ground nail pile inspection fees, double line fees, alignment fees, line setting fees, construction area Measurement fees, etc.
(4) "Three connections and one leveling" fee: connecting temporary water supply and drainage for construction outside the red line (including underground drainage pipes, trench excavation and laying costs), power supply, roads (including road occupation fees payable according to regulations, Costs incurred in the design, construction, decoration and site leveling of facilities such as road excavation fees) (including garbage removal fees before the start of construction), etc.
 (5) Temporary facility fees: Party A’s temporary office at the construction site, temporary site occupancy fees, temporary vacant land rental fees, and the design, construction, decoration and other costs of temporary walls, fences and other facilities set up around the red line. Assets in temporary facilities, such as air conditioners, televisions, furniture, etc., are not included in the temporary facility fee.
 (6) Budget pre paration and review fees: expenses incurred by social intermediary service agencies hired to pre pare or review budgets for projects.
 (7) Others: including light blocking fees, dilapidated building compensation appraisal fees, dilapidated building compensation appraisal technical consulting fees, etc.
