Advertising light box renderings at the entrance of snack bar

一、Looking for ways to promote barbecue restaurants and increase business
1 Celebrity endorsement
Celebrity endorsement promotion is generally used in larger companies and relatively powerful companies and enterprises.
2 Store sign
Store sign is the most important symbolic promotional material for a franchise store. Generally, the company headquarters adopts a unified expre ssion style across the country. Each franchise store strictly follows the requirements of the company's vi manual for design and installation. , under the same "flag", to create a common cause. Regarding the specific decoration method of the store, each company has detailed decoration guidance, and implements it without compromise, and conducts careful inspection, delayed acceptance and standard assessment. Generally used in the promotion of chain franchise stores.
3 Light boxes and neon lights
As ground advertisements, light boxes are widely used during the day and night, and there are many opportunities to use them; neon lights are mainly used at night, and the advertising effect is more obvious. These two ways of expre ssion are mainly used to display the corporate image and improve the company's visibility. You can see very eye-catching light box advertisements in model stores. Generally, it is publicity within the company's local area.
4 Showcase Advertising
Showcase is a traditional form of advertising for displaying products. When a franchise store arranges its display windows, it is more about creating an atmosphere for selling products, so as to create an overall atmosphere. Affinity allows consumers to feel the vitality of the store and be willing to go in and buy products. It is also one of the tricks used by stores to attract customers’ attention.
5 Banner Advertising
Banner advertising is a short-term behavior, mainly used for opening, promotion and some festivals such as the first anniversary celebration and reward activities. Take them down at the end of the event. Do not leave the banners hanging for too long, which will cause them to become dull and tattered, which will affect the corporate image. Generally used to render atmosphere.
6 Publicity of parasols that benefit themselves and the people
Parasols are generally used in two ways: one is in a conspicuous position at the entrance and exit of the market, and is used free of charge by some small stalls with refreshing drinks, but they need to be kept properly , scrub frequently to keep it fresh. The purpose of this is to increase the exposure of the company's brand and achieve a certain degree of popularity.
7 Use mobile tools for publicity
Use of mobile tools for publicity is to use cars to do publicity, and you have to use the car seat covers for publicity. This method of publicity does not require door-to-door publicity, which is a relatively Practical propaganda!
8 Use gifts for publicity
Use gifts for publicity, which can not only meet the needs of customers, but also bring benefits to customers while promoting themselves. Common ones include beverages and bedding, etc. !
9 Use brochures and leaflets for publicity
Use brochures and leaflets for publicity. This kind of publicity is common in photo studios, sales buildings, private schools, etc. It is also more practical if Peixiao's store is opened. One of the publicity methods has the advantages of relatively low cost, but this kind of publicity requires looking for a needle in a haystack.
