壹、What kind of lights are generally used in light boxes?

LED light strips and lamp beads.

Most of today's advertising light boxes use LED light strips as the main light source. Old-fashioned lamp tubes have been slowly phased out because the old-fashioned lamp tubes emit uneven light and are prone to rib marks, which reduces the advertising effect of the light box. Nowadays, most of the light sources in advertising light boxes use LED light strips or LED lamp beads, which are not only high-brightness but also energy-saving. LED light strips are generally divided into LED backlight sources and LED side light sources according to different light boxes. Good LED lights must be inseparable from good chips, heat dissipation substrates and electronic components, because they will affect the light decay and life of the LED lights.

Single-sided light boxes generally use backlights. The light strips or single lamp beads are fixed on the bottom plate of the light box at a certain distance. This is not affected by the size of the light box. It is also necessary to consider whether the light box is installed indoors. Or outdoors, choose whether the light box is waterproof or non-waterproof.

Extended information:

Double-sided light boxes generally use side light sources, with light bars or lamp beads installed at a certain distance. The aluminum frame of the light box can be placed on the four sides, which can evenly light the light box images on both sides. However, due to the area of ​​the light box, it is generally not recommended to use side light sources for light boxes that are too large, fearing that uneven illumination will affect the publicity effect.

So, if the light box is used for a long time, when choosing a light, it is recommended to buy a light source with guaranteed quality, because the light source is also a part of the light box and can affect the effect of the light box advertising at any time.

贰、What kind of lights are installed in the advertising light box?
The LED light source is installed:
LightEmitting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor component. At first, they were mostly used as indicator lights, display light-emitting diode boards, etc.; with the emergence of white LEDs for LED lighting, they were also used for lighting. LED is called the fourth generation lighting source or green light source. It has the characteristics of energy saving, environmental protection, long life and small size. It is widely used in various indications, displays, decorations, backlights, general lighting and urban night scenes and other fields. According to different functions, they can be divided into five categories: information display, signal lights, automotive lamps, LCD backlights, and general lighting. Driven by policy protection, sales growth and other factors, LED has become one of the investment hot spots in the capital market recently, with Xinhaiyi, Fujing Technology and others performing eye-catchingly. Since the fourth quarter is the peak period for the consumption of LED lighting, TV and other products, the sales volume of the upstream component industry will also see a cyclical increase. With the implementation of my country's ban on the sale and import of incandescent lamps of 60 watts and above on October 1, my country's roadmap for phasing out incandescent lamps has begun, and the penetration rate of LED lighting will continue to increase. Industry insiders say that the incandescent lamp replacement market alone will increase demand for more than 12 billion light sources every year.

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