1: High degree of recognition

The same billboards will not create memories in the consumer market , so in order to obtain satisfactory promotion effects, the first thing to consider when making billboards is recognition. Therefore, in the design and production process, it is necessary to fully enlarge the identifiable elements such as the company's LOGO and the main features of the product, so that consumers can distinguish it from other advertisements.

Two: Coordination and beauty of the picture

Because billboards first bring a visual effect to consumers, so when making billboards The picture must be coordinated and ornamental, so that it can attract consumers' attention and not be repelled by the content of the advertisement. This can make it easier for consumers to introduce the company's products, thus promoting sales and increasing visibility. effect.

Three: The intention is clear

For enterprises, there is only one purpose for making billboards, which is to fully expand the influence of this product and To increase consumer groups, we must pay attention when making billboards. We must have a very clear and clear intention and focus on describing a certain product so that consumers can understand what the billboard is saying at a glance. Strengthen consumers' concept and understanding of this product.

How to design store billboards to be more eye-catching

Business cards should be simply matched, not too fancy, the color contrast can be slightly stronger, and there should not be too many colors. The most important thing for billboards and the like is to Conspicuous, depending on the content, you can add logos, classic products, etc., but the promotional items must be prominent

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