
2024-09-23 04:03:25
本文目录一览How should elevator advertisements grasp artistry and sense of proportion? What kind of "business" does it contain?

Elevator advertising requires the consent of the property company, and you determine which type of artistic advertising the elevator advertising belongs to based on the background world of the elevator.

If it is an elevator in a community, then community advertising requires the consent of the community property company, so the advertisements posted in the elevator must be an art of life that is closely related to residents.

For example, advertising can be a colorful consumption concept. This advertisement is a sales promotion system formed by the residents here. If he buys the advertising space for the elevator advertisement, he will post his own advertising art.

For example, if he is a merchant of baby products, then his advertisement must be about the promotion of daily baby products. Residents living in high-rise buildings will recognize the characteristics of their shops.

Some elevators directly create elevator advertising effects in supermarkets. Merchants who can get advertisements in elevator advertising spaces must be able to make their products popular by many. People know each other.

You will see many advertisements, which are based on real art and have real-life advertising effects. Some merchants sell toys and install toy phone grabbing machines directly next to the elevator, and there are also coin investments. The system attracts many adults and children to participate in such life scenes.

Some elevator advertisements appear in office buildings, so their advertising space in office buildings is particularly expensive. Then you will see merchant investment advertisements and directly select the 3D effect, which means directly turning on the screen. effect.

And the elevator is also an artistic product. Its artistic structure is determined according to its users, and then an unparalleled transaction is formed for the fancy elevator.

And the fancy transactions in these elevators have created a perfect palace transaction for fancy advertisements. The art between merchants has become the aesthetic direction of the masses.

The arrogance between elevators and advertising has made the majority of users accustomed to commercial art. The elevators you see must have transaction riddles between them.

You will always see innocent advertisements appearing in elevator doors that are most suitable for companionship, creating a cultural distance between users and merchants.

As soon as you open the elevator door, a small advertisement greets you. In 20 minutes, you will see the product at home on the expre ss delivery road.

How to negotiate with the real estate agent for elevator advertising?

Elevator advertising is usually outsourced to advertising companies. If you want to negotiate, you can only negotiate with a third party. If there is no outsourcing, you can negotiate with the real estate agent. Let’s talk about how much it costs per day and calculate the cost yourself. So, do you know how to negotiate with real estate developers about elevator advertisements? How much does advertising in an elevator cost per month? Don’t worry, let me briefly introduce it to you.

How to negotiate with the property management company about elevator advertising

1. First, find the property company and have a meeting with the property company manager or relevant person in charge; 2. Negotiate advertising-related needs with the property company, such as : Hanging size, advertising cycle, replacement time, etc.; 3. Generally, properties will have a standard price list. You can refer to it. If it is not a large property company, the price can be negotiated. In general, in this aspect, There are corresponding contracts, because this kind of thing is not new.

How much does it cost per month to advertise in an elevator?

Take Shanghai as an example. Currently, elevator advertising is mainly divided into two forms, one is flat posters and the other is LCD TV;< /p>

In Shanghai, elevator advertising is based on each screen, and a week is 7 days;

The price of flat posters is about 200 yuan/block/week, and the price of LCD TVs is about 250 yuan/week Block/week;

This is an approximate price, and the specific price will also be determined based on your delivery volume. Usually, the greater the quantity, the better the price. Of course, choosing a formal and reliable advertising company is the most important.

Why are elevator ads so popular?

The main reason why advertisers are optimistic about elevator ads is that they are cheap. First of all, the price of elevator advertising is only 1/3 of the price of TV advertising. People have to go up and down the elevator at least twice a day, so the reading rate of advertisements in elevators is far higher than that of other media, which has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. Secondly, the people entering and leaving the building are generally the middle and high-end consumer class, and their potential purchasing desire far exceeds that of other classes, so the advertising effect will naturally be optimal. Finally, the elevator is an independent space. Putting advertisements in the elevator will not affect the overall appearance of the community, and the degree of man-made damage to nature is very low.

Editor’s summary: After reading the above introduction, I believe everyone has a better understanding of how to negotiate with property owners about elevator advertising. If you want to know more relevant information, please continue to pay attention to our website, and we will pre sent you with more exciting content in the future.

Does the elevator advertising fee belong to the owner or the property company?
Does the elevator advertising fee belong to the owner or the property company? The law stipulates as follows:
According to Article 282 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the income generated by the construction unit, property service company or other manager from the owner's common part shall After deducting reasonable costs, it belongs to the owners jointly. Therefore, the residential elevator advertising fees should belong to the owners after deducting relevant costs.
The following are details about elevator advertising fees and the responsibilities of property management companies:
1. About elevator advertising fees
1. Community elevator advertising is A common form of advertising, the income generated should belong to all owners. This is because the elevator is a common area shared by the owners, and the income generated from advertising activities in this area belongs to the common interests of the owners.
2. The property management company can be responsible for collecting elevator advertising revenue, but these revenue should be used for public construction or public expenses in the community. The use of these fees requires the consent of the community owners' committee, and is marked as elevator advertising revenue, and the corresponding income and expenditure details are listed.
2. Responsibilities of the property management company
1. The property management company is responsible for formulating the property management service work plan and organizing its implementation. This includes safety surveys of buildings, facilities and equipment, formulation and implementation of maintenance plans, etc.
2. The property management company should assist in convening the owners' meeting and cooperate with its operation, and disclose service standards, charging basis and standards.
3. All employees of the property management company must dress uniformly, wear photo badges, and hold certificates when working. At the same time, mechanisms and plans for handling various public emergencies must be established to ensure that they can be put into operation at any time when needed.
In short, according to legal provisions, residential elevator advertising fees should belong to the owners after deducting relevant costs. Property companies should fulfill their responsibilities to ensure that the rights and interests of owners are protected. If there are any questions or disputes, owners can safeguard their rights and interests through legal channels.