Which department should I contact for approval of billboards in Kunming?

发布时间:2024-09-23 01:18:52
本文目录一览Where can I make billboards in Kunming North City
1. Weitu Advertising Production Center
Address: No. 13, Hongkang Road
2. Kunming Xufeng Advertising Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 438, Yunshan Village, Panlong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province (next to the World Expo Park)

What procedures are required for store front approval?
For store front decoration, you should go to the District Urban Management Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau with relevant facade room information to apply for store front approval procedures and receive approval for outdoor advertising. sheet. After passing the review, fill out the approval form and go to the Municipal Compre hensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau for approval. The relevant business department will conduct approval within 5 working days, and a facade room decoration approval certificate will be issued after approval.

The city management will charge for the door decoration sign, is it a reasonable fee?
If it is a store decoration, there is no need to pay the city management, unless the entrance (outdoor) is done or changed, the city management will to collect relevant fees. For example, if there are billboards at the door, door decorations, etc., they will come and collect them, and they are very informed. The interior decoration fees and sanitation fees are collected by the property management, not the urban management. If the urban management insists on collecting them, then you can go to court and sue them for abusing their authority or charging fees indiscriminately. However, it is best to communicate with the store next to you and ask if they also pay such a fee.