Small portable walking billboard

一、Why do they like to put small advertisements on their cars?

This depends on the situation. Some cars insert small advertisements on the car just for advertising. Some of them don't do it because they want to promote it, they just do it to make money. Another situation is that many people now hand out flyers and place them directly on other people's cars, thinking that they will see them when they drive.

This is indeed a way of publicity. When I used to distribute leaflets, the security guards would not allow us to distribute them if they saw it. Then we can only quietly put it directly on their cars, so that when they drive out, they will definitely see it.

If your flyers are well made and attractive enough, this kind of promotion is also possible. This is what happens when flyers are distributed and placed on cars.

Now you will see many people advertising their own stores, especially online stores or other products that need to be promoted, on their cars. They think this method is better. When you drive out, pedestrians will look at it, and the car owners behind you will also see it. I think there are many ways, and it does have some publicity effect.

When I worked part-time in a supermarket, there were people pulling carts in front of the supermarket, similar to tricycle owners, and there were advertisements behind their cars. I thought it was used to block dust.

But one day, I saw someone coming to repost the flyers and giving them money. They were discussing how much money they got. This is very effective for the elderly. Generally, they like to read these advertisements when they have nothing to do.

However, this kind of advertisements are generally effective only in some supermarkets or home appliances. Many people advertise by plastering flyers on their cars, then install a large speaker and perform on a loop.

Perhaps you think that the car can go to many places and be promoted on a large scale. And if you park there, anyone passing by will pay attention.
