Sichuan professional high-altitude billboard installation team

一、A billboard fell from the sky in Chengdu and injured a boy. The police rushed to escort him to a doctor. How should we hold him accountable for this matter?

A billboard in Chengdu "falled from the sky" and injured a boy. The police rushed to escort him to a doctor. How should we hold him accountable for this matter?

1. Why did a billboard in Chengdu "fall from the sky" and injure a boy?

We often see in the news emergencies involving billboards that injure passers-by, so many people will be more or less frightened when they pass under billboards. There was an old man in Chengdu, Sichuan. , while taking care of the child, suddenly a company's billboard fell from upstairs and hit the child. At that time, there was no way to clearly determine the child's injury. The old man was also very anxious. There was no other way. Under the circumstances, the old man finally called the police. The police rushed to the scene and quickly sent the old man and the child to the hospital in a police car for examination and treatment. Fortunately, the child's injury was not serious and there was no great danger.

2. How did the police escort him to the hospital quickly?

After receiving the alarm, the local police rushed to the scene immediately. Since the injured was a child, and there was no clear judgment on the injury, the police took the child directly in a police car out of desperation. The hospital conducted examination and treatment. During the process of being sent to the hospital, the police car sounded the siren to remind the vehicles in front of it. In the end, it only took about five minutes to send the child safely to the hospital. It can be said that It was very fast, and because the police were enthusiastic and the children did not suffer any serious consequences, we can see from this incident that the police officers involved in this incident were very responsible and enthusiastic people. .

3. How should we hold people accountable for this matter?

This incident was obviously caused by this company's billboard, because the company did not perform maintenance and inspection on its own billboard, which eventually caused the billboard to fall from a high altitude. Fortunately, The child's injury was not serious. After the incident, the child's family and the company began negotiations to resolve the child's compensation issue. In addition, the police also made suggestions to relevant personnel of the company. , I hope they can correct their behavior and be stricter about the management of billboards in the future. Only in this way can similar things be avoided. Therefore, this company alone must bear full responsibility for this incident and be responsible for the injured. responsible for your illness and losses.
