Silver background with white lettering billboard

I、Coca-Cola marketing concept
Coca-Cola marketing concept, what is Coca-Cola marketing concept?

Making people around the world happier in body, mind and spirit.
Let our brands and actions continue to inspire people to stay optimistic.
Make everything we touch more valuable.

In 1886, Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Since then, it has been integrated with social development and inspired innovation. Now, it brings a wonderful feeling of joy and relaxation to people all over the world every day.

Currently, 1.7 billion consumers around the world drink Coca-Cola products every day, and approximately 19,400 bottles of beverages are sold every second. In October 2016, Coca-Cola ranked among the top 100 largest brands in the world in 2016. Third place in valuable brands;

Coca-Cola Marketing

WhilemanyviewourCompanyassimply"Coca-Cola,"oursystemoperatesthroughmultiplelocalchannels .OurCompanymanufacturesandsellsconcentrates,beveragebasesandsyrupstobottlingoperations,ownsthebrandsandisresponsibleforconsumerbrandmarketinginitiatives.Ourbottlingpartnersmanufacture, package,merchandiseanddistributethefinalbrandedbeveragestoourcustomersandvendingpartners,whothensellourproductstoconsumers.
Allbottlingpartnersworkcloselywithcustomers--grocerystores,restaurants,streetvendors,conveniencestores,movietheatersandamusementparks,amongmanyothers--toexecutelocalizedstrategiesdevelopedinpartnershipwithourCompany.Customers thensellourproductstoconsumersatarateof1.5billionservingsaday.Learnmoreaboutthisuniquerelationship.
TheCoca-Colasystemisnotasingleentityfromalegalormanagerialperspective,andtheCompanydoesnotownorcontrolmostofourbottlingpartners.In2007,approximately79percentofourworldwideunitcasevolumewasproducedanddistributedbybottlingpartner sinwhichourCompanyhadnoownershipinterestoranoncontrollingequityinterest.ToseeourCompanyequitystakeinourlargestbottlingpartners, seeour2007AnnualReview,page9.
InApril2007,associatesfromTheCoca-Cola CompanyandseveralofourlargestbottlingpartnersmetforthefirsttimetodiscussthedevelopmentofacoresetofperformanceindicatorsfortheCoca-Colasystem.WorkinggroupsofCompanyassociatesandrepre sentativesfromourbottlingpartnershavebeenformedtodeterminethefeasibility--duetothelegalandmanagementplexityoftheCoca-Colasystem--ofcollectingandconsolidatingeconomicandsocialdatainadditiontotheenvironmentaldata alreadycollected.ManyofourbottlingpartnersproducetheirowncorporateresponsibilityreportswhichcanbeviewedintheBottlingPartnerReportssection .

Coca-Cola's marketing philosophy

Establish the most direct conditioned reflex
Let people want to drink when they see "Coke"
Establish the simplest marketing core
The Coca-Cola Company is
Produce syrup, give others the right to produce syrup, and try to make the syrup deeply rooted in people's hearts
Keep it classic
The taste of Coke has become a culture, so we need to make it more popular and meaningful
/>Innovating with the old and bringing out the new
While maintaining the classics, we also produce syrups with various flavors. Of course, the brand will not conflict with the "classics".
Finally, we always keep it mysterious, and the only original recipe is now in In the bank's vault~~~(I forgot which bank)

Coca-Cola Marketing Strategy

It was written in a book I read when I was 15 years old, the earliest bank on Wall Street The company that issues the stock is the main reason for its success

What is Coca-Cola’s business philosophy?

Let the bodies, minds and spirits of people around the world be happier and more comfortable
Let our brands and actions continue to inspire people to stay optimistic
Let everything we touch be more valuable.
Profit: While giving back to our shareholders, we do not forget to fulfill our corporate citizenship responsibilities
Employees: Motivate employees to realize their potential
Products: Provide innovative products to continuously satisfy the market and consumers
/>Partners: Establish a win-win cooperation model and strengthen partnerships
Earth: Become a model global corporate citizen

Comparison of marketing strategies between Coca-Cola and Pepsi

Pepsi uses youth, vitality and fashion as marketing selling points
Coca-Cola doesn’t seem to have any marketing strategy, it’s all about quality and innovation on the original basis, such as Zero

What is Coca-Cola’s corporate philosophy?

What is Coca-Cola’s corporate philosophy: Promote the image of the product to the market and consumers rather than the product. The Coca-Cola Company once hired painters to promote its red-on-white product logo on white walls across the United States, covering an area of ​​more than five million square feet. The Coca-Cola Company has created a model advertising slogan that is applicable in various cultural backgrounds and has universal appeal, making people happy, more popular, sexier and younger. To enhance publicity, The Coca-Cola Company sponsors various sports competitions around the world, from sumo wrestling to wrestling.
