How to install billboard light strips to look good

2024-09-22 21:29:16
I、Billboard Highlight Design

Hello! I personally suggest that you don’t do what McKinsey did. First, the cost is high. Secondly, it is not suitable for a small restaurant like yours. If you do that, it will affect your final profits. After all, your store is for low-end consumption. This is different for direct-operated stores like McKinsey. Most of it is his services, which are for middle-to-upper-class consumption.

I think that by changing the original basis, we can save costs and maximize benefits, and the construction period is relatively short. Install LED blue tube lights or high spotlights around the perimeter. (The picture shows, LED tube light) I believe you have also seen many such signs.

II、How to make a billboard with LED light strips
Just use ordinary light strips to fix the corners of the frame where there are few corners. If you want to make it into a shape, just use S-shaped light strips. , you can change the shape at will