
⒈Who is in charge of the fire escape billboards?
The fire escape is managed by the unit, and the unit has the responsibility to keep the fire escape clear.
Fire escapes refer to the passages used by firefighters to rescue and evacuate trapped people, such as stairwells and aisles, where fire indicator lights are installed. Fire escapes play an important role in various dangerous situations that cannot be underestimated.
Relevant information:
No unit or individual may damage, misappropriate, or dismantle or deactivate fire-fighting facilities and equipment without authorization. They may not bury, enclose, or block fire hydrants or occupy fire pre vention distances. They may not occupy, block, or close Evacuation passages, safety exits, fire truck passages. Doors and windows in crowded places shall not be equipped with obstacles that may affect escape, fire fighting and rescue.
Conduct a compre hensive inspection of Jianxinxinzhu’s fire protection facilities at least once a year to ensure they are intact and effective. The inspection records should be complete and accurate and archived for future reference; ensure that evacuation passages, safety exits, and fire truck passages are smooth, and ensure fire and smoke pre vention zoning and fire pre vention. The spacing complies with fire protection technical standards.
