How much does it cost to install elevator advertising in a property?

⑴How much does an elevator advertising company in Chengdu usually pay to a property owner? Can you guys please help me and give me an approximate price range? Please
General advertising companies will give different prices based on the quality of the property. Generally, the price is around 2,000-3,000 yuan. The most famous framing companies include Focus Media, Classic Vision, and Sichuan Xintianjie. Media, are you an advertising company or a property company?

The current forms of advertising are mainly print ads and LCD scrolling ads. Nowadays, in many communities, calculations are based on the location of the community and the population of the community. If the population is more expensive, the approximate price per month ranges from more than 500 yuan to more than 1,000 yuan.
How much does elevator advertising cost per month?
Taking Shanghai as an example, elevator advertising is currently divided into two forms: flat posters and LCD TVs. In Shanghai, elevator advertising is based on each screen, and a week is 7 days. The price of flat posters is approximately 200 yuan/piece/week; the price of LCD TV is 250 yuan/piece/week. This is an approximate price, the specific price will also depend on your placement volume. The greater the quantity, the more favorable the price.
2. Who should own the advertising fees in the elevators of the community
The advertising fees in the elevators of the community should belong to the owners. Regarding who owns the advertising fees of the elevators in the community and the "Property Law of the People's Republic of China" It stipulates that community owners have exclusive ownership of the purchased housing units and joint ownership of the common parts of the building such as exterior walls, elevators and corridors. In other words, the right to use and benefit from the elevator in the community should belong to the owner.
At the same time, owners have the right to know and supervise the use of shared parts, shared facilities and equipment, and related sites. The property management company has no right to dispose of the use rights of the common parts of the building without authorization. If the site, shared facilities and equipment are operated, the procedures shall be completed in accordance with regulations after obtaining the consent of the relevant owners, the owners' meeting, and the property management company. If the owners do not agree, the owners committee has the right to refuse advertisements from entering the community elevators.
3. What are the common interests of all owners
1. Revenue from advertising in public areas, such as elevator car advertising and outdoor advertising;
2. Community Income from parking spaces in public areas;
3. Income from rental stalls in public areas of the community;
4. Income from operating public facilities, activity venues, clubs, and swimming pools;
5. Partial communication operation and management fees;
6. Compensation for damage to public facilities in the community;
7. Operation of self-made water vending machines Expenses;
8. Income from property management buildings.
The distribution of community public interests can be agreed upon by all owners. According to the "Property Management Regulations", the revenue from public areas can be used for special maintenance funds or to make up for the shortfall in management fees, but it must be decided by the vote of all owners.
How to distribute public benefits and when to announce them should be agreed upon in advance in the community's "Owner's Covenant" and "Owner's Meeting Charter". When a property service company manages public benefits, the proportion of maintenance fees and management fees related to the property service company in the public property benefits should be clarified in the contract. Property service companies entrusted with the management of public revenue should open a special account in a bank for special storage of public revenue. The revenue and expenditure should be recorded separately and cannot be shared with other accounts of the company. Property service companies that manage multiple property communities should open separate accounts for the public income of each property community.
