
⑴What procedures are required to hang a store sign?

The method is as follows:

1. Taking Xinxiang City as an example, Article 8 of the "Xinxiang City Outdoor Advertising Portable and Vertical Installation Management Measures": Application for the installation of outdoor advertising facilities should be followed The following procedures:

(1) Submit a written application to the municipal urban management department. The application content includes: basic information of the applicant unit or individual and valid certificates, proposed location, carrier area, production materials, specifications, quantity, adopted technology, etc.;

(2) Provide original appearance drawings, effect drawings and safety Proof of proof of defense;

(3) Provide proof of the right to use the site carrier;

(4) If advertising plaques blocking doors, windows and fire-fighting facilities may affect fire protection, they should be submitted to the fire-fighting department. Written materials for the department’s approval of the establishment;

(5) The municipal urban management department will examine the applicant’s application and conduct on-site inspections, and make a decision on whether to grant permission or not;

(6) The applicant shall complete the installation of outdoor advertising facilities within 60 days after the outdoor advertising installation plan is approved. If it is not set up within the time limit, the municipal urban management department will take back the right to set it up.

2. The installer of outdoor advertising facilities is the person responsible for the maintenance and management of outdoor advertising facilities. He should carry out daily maintenance of the outdoor advertising facilities he sets up, keep the outdoor advertising facilities safe, clean and beautiful, and Lighting is performed as required. Outdoor advertising facilities that pose safety risks or are damaged, stained, or severely faded must be repaired, updated, or dismantled in a timely manner.

Extended information:

1. Store plaques shall be set up according to the management area and reported to the city management department for approval. The setter shall provide the following materials:

(1) Written application, the original appearance of the store plaque and the carrier, and the color rendering of the front facade;

(2) Relevant certification materials for the right to use the store plaque carrier.

2. The store plaque management departments in each district should design and install plans for the unified upgraded and renovated road sections, new buildings and large store plaques within their jurisdiction, and submit them to the municipal urban management department for approval and filing. The store plaque management department in each district shall permit the installation according to the installation plan determined after filing and supervise the installation units.

3. Store plaques should be set up according to the permitted location, orientation, form, specifications, material, content, etc., and must not be changed without authorization. If changes are really needed, the change procedures should be handled according to the original application procedures.

Reference source: Xinxiang Municipal People's Government-"Xinxiang City Huhong External Advertising Settings Management Measures (Trial)"

⑵Plaque approval process

Legal analysis: After approval by the industrial and commercial department, the following materials need to be submitted for approval of billboards in front of self-employed stores:

①Store business license or 2 copies of the approved industrial and commercial name and font size;

② 2 copies of the lease contract;

③ 2 copies of the outdoor billboard renderings (the renderings must be in color, and the door must be photographed when shooting The situation at around 80C (upper and lower) was photographed);

④Application report (including setting location, release time, content, form, specifications, quantity; in duplicate);

⑤ 2 copies of the property ownership certificate;

⑥ 1 copy of the store location map; (it can be downloaded from or other websites, but the specific location of the store must be marked on the map); and then go to the local government service hall. For example, after your materials are shown to the urban management, they will review them for you. For example, after the urban management acceptance hall accepts them, urban management staff will visit the site within a week. After that, leaders at all levels will review and agree, and then transfer to the industrial and commercial review content. If there is any Disagreement with one step means that the approval is unsuccessful. If it is forcibly installed without approval, it will be dismantled first and then fined. Then it will be more troublesome and costly to get approval again.

Legal basis: Article 25 of the "Shanghai Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Regulations" The urban management law enforcement department shall use direct service, lien service, mail service and announcement service in accordance with legal provisions. legal documents. If notices are used for delivery, the urban management and law enforcement departments can do so through their government websites and bulletin boards. It shall be deemed to have been served sixty days from the date of issuance of the announcement. The urban management law enforcement department shall publish its website and bulletin board address to the public.
