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Excerpts from classic clips of Three Billboards

寒武紀的月光 2024-09-22 09:25:11威海广告网百科9138
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于Excerpts from classic clips of Three Billboards的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
I、The story is exciting and everyone has their own obsession
< p>The story is very exciting and everyone has their own obsession

"Three Billboards"

The story is very exciting and everyone has their own obsession.

Life leaves scars for everyone. In a chaotic world where hatred and anger are magnified, anger is the driving force for the mother in the film to live. Under her skinny body there is a flame that can be ignited at any time. , the only smile in the whole film locked on Otti.

First-class script + explosive acting skills, extremely pre cise details, and gentle sentimentality that cannot be hidden in the crazy paranoia.

The protagonist's good and evil are constantly being completely subverted with one twist after another. It was during this process of constant subversion and re-subversion that I was suddenly shocked by the unexpected absurdity and irony.

She was testing the edge of evil, hiding her tenderness in her heart and entrusting it to her deceased daughter. She has nowhere to escape from the pre dicament of her obsession. Active confrontation is the only way for her to see hope. She resists the police and fights back against her neighbors. Anyone who violates her obsession becomes her opponent. When she became a mother, she became a warrior.

Three billboards burning red like fire, three people, and three letters. The heroine's tragic loss of her daughter makes people sympathize, but she dares to set fire to the police station. The police chief looks majestic, but he is like a child in the face of illness. Just like the two people in the police station who were tit for tat a second ago, the chief accidentally vomited blood and blurted out the word "baby". The whole film is full of such unexpected and heart-warming turns.