
作者:慈孟真 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 21:44:52

本文目录一览⑴Red decorative illustrations - how to draw a red poetry background
Meow Art|03 Orange Shanghai - Sveta Dorosheva

Meow Art, remember an artist in one sentence: Orange Shanghai-Sveta Doloseva.

The color of the aircraft’s black box is actually not black, but orange-red. Because orange-red is the most dazzling and easiest to spot color. There is an artist who once expre ssed the daily life scenes in Shanghai, China in the form of illustrations. What is very special is that in every black and white illustration, there is always a dazzling orange-red color. She is Israeli illustrator, Sveta Dorosheva.

Meow Art, Shanghai Series

Sveta Doloseva was born in Ukraine and lives in Rehovot, Israel. Is a freelance illustrator specializing in illustration work, editing illustrations and art books. She once suggested that current illustrators would best combine their creations with emerging media such as computers, movies, and animations. However, she herself pre fers to create illustrations on traditional paper materials. Her works have smooth lines and rich decorative designs, while also revealing her bold creativity and imagination. She is good at incorporating folk tales, myths, and observed life scenes into her works using a fairy tale-like graphic decoration technique.

In her works, she is used to adding an orange-red decoration. In addition to being eye-catching and lively, this image also expre sses Sveta’s inner pre ference for orange-red. We know that from the perspective of human visual perception, red and yellow are very easy to be recognized by the human eye. Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, so orange is known as the most eye-catching color and often appears on billboards, road uniforms and other occasions. Red is also the sacred color of Judaism, and yellow has been a Jewish symbol as early as the 17th century. The orange color they mixed together has special meaning to Sveta.

Of course, the meaning of orange-red has always been positive. Sveta's works, whether they depict Shanghai street scenes or reproduce legendary stories, all have the same meaning as orange, which is optimistic, sunny and full of creativity.

Remember an artist in one sentence: Orange Shanghai-Sveta Doloseva.

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How to draw the background of a red poetry collection

1. First of all, The text theme of "Red Poetry" is written in the middle of the picture, decorated with square frames, and decorated with waves, auspicious clouds and other decorations at the bottom, which looks more traditional Chinese. Next to the waves, there are literati who are reciting poems with their hands on their hands.

2. Add some details, then draw the lines of the clouds on the top, and continue to draw a semicircle below the clouds.

3. Continue to draw small floating clouds, and draw some willow leaves and other decorations in the upper right corner to make the whole picture look more vibrant.

4. The coloring begins below. Use different dark colors to paint the text, the box color with blue, and the inner background with flesh color. Then add the border details to make it look more agile. The waves below Paint it with different colors such as blue, orange, yellow, cyan, etc.

5. The background is painted blue, the poet is wearing light yellow clothes, the rocks standing below are gray, the mountains in the distance are painted turquoise, and some other details are added.

6. Paint the clouds with orange, paint the leaves with green, and finally draw grid lines in the blank space, so that the red poetry handwritten newspaper is completed.

How to use color to expre ss love and hate? The main color should be red. . .

Love and hate are very direct opposites. If we use the direct opposition of color and hue, if it is red, then green. The combination of red and green will give people an uneasy feeling. Of course, it also depends on what kind of red and what kind of green, and the reality is the main one. Then there is the contrast between warm and cold colors. Red is hot and blue is cold. The main thing about matching red and blue together is to arrange their areas well. Then there is the brightness or pure gray of the color.

I hope it will be adopted. Please give me some points

A few people above. People ask about using color to expre ss it, and color generally refers to color blocks. As for how to combine them, it depends on personal feelings and understanding of art. The characteristics of color can expre ss emotions. Furthermore, if you want to study dots, lines and surfaces, then simple dots, lines and surfaces can expre ss many things. Why add colors? Why use two when you can expre ss it with one. Also, Beardsley is a famous British decorative painting illustrator. Many of his studios are mainly black and white, with a strong sense of composition, decoration and form. A painter whom Mr. Lu Xun highly praised at that time. If you want to paint this kind of painting, it is unless you have studied professional composition or decorative painting. I still think that the opposite emotions expre ssed by color itself can be found in the nature of color. Simple questions ask nothing to complicate.

⑵How to design a light steel keel billboard rendering with CorelDraw?
1. Make a light steel keel billboard shelf. Use the rectangle tool to draw a rectangle, remove the border, and fill it with red; copy the long rectangle. , pan and pull it out to the appropriate height; click the "Reconciliation" tool in the left toolbar, click on the first long rectangle, click and hold it, and drag it to the second long rectangle; in the "Reconciliation Object" , adjust the spacing between the rectangles to the appropriate spacing. 2. Just add text directly to the billboard style. What needs to be paid attention to is the choice of font size and color. The font should be clear and easy to read, and the color should be prominent and easy to identify. 3. The second billboard style can be divided into color blocks to highlight the store name and main information. Method: 1) Use the selection tool to select all the pre viously made shelves, pre ss Ctrl+K to separate the rectangles, and then pre ss Ctrl+G to combine them; 2) Use the rectangle tool to divide the range of the required color Circle it, select the rectangular frame, hold down Shift, click on the keel frame, and select the intersect tool; 3) Fill it with yellow; 4) Just add text, and pay attention to the font, font size, and color. 4. Billboard Style 3: While dividing blocks by color, shapes can be used to further differentiate. 1) Select the Ellipse tool, hold down Ctrl, and pull out a perfect circle; 2) Select the perfect circle, hold down Shift while selecting the keel frame, select the Intersect tool, fill it with white, and delete the perfect circle; 3) Click on the remaining intersection Fill the remaining rectangle with blue; 4) Just add text, and pay attention to the font, font size, and color. 5. Billboard style four 1) Draw a rectangle outside the rectangle, use the shape tool to round the right corners of the rectangle; 2) Select the rounded rectangle, drag it to the appropriate position, hold down Shift while selecting For the keel frame, select the Intersect tool, fill it with yellow, click to select the rounded rectangle, and delete it; 3) Just add text, and pay attention to the font, font size, and color.
⑶、What color is the red font and gray frame on the billboard?
The red font and gray background are so random. Neither side looks good, so change the two colors first, and then match the sides. It is recommended to use white fonts on a gray background and brushed stainless steel edges. Red font on white background with black border