Outdoor billboard size ratio

发布:2024-09-21 12:11:04 作者:将军令

I、How much do you know about the size of outdoor billboards?

The size design of outdoor billboards is a signaling tool in the pull system to start the next production process or to move the work-in-progress to downstream processes. This term is used in It means signal or signal board in Japanese.

There are many types of outdoor billboards: high-speed media, subway media, LED display screens, building media, bus media, three-sided advertising, train media, etc.

The largest outdoor three-sided billboard in China has a total area of ​​15,271.2 square meters, and it is also the largest three-sided advertising in the world.

The world’s largest three-sided outdoor billboard is located in Chongqing. This outdoor billboard has a total area of ​​15,271.2 square meters, consists of 200,000 small three-sided panels, and weighs 525 tons. It took 50 workers to work continuously for 20 days to complete the entire picture.

The size of outdoor billboards varies greatly, depending on the resources of the advertising media provider, and is generally not small.

It can range from a few meters to a dozen or dozens of meters.

The image size must be set according to the resolution. Generally, it is 150bpi (large-size printing) to 300bpi (small-size printing).

In PS, the size is set in [Image]-[Image Size].

Actual size = pixels/resolution

(Note that 150bpi and 300bpi here refer to pixels/inch. It is intuitive to calculate them in millimeters.)

< p>1. The area of ​​small billboards is between 1 square meter and 20 square meters, such as sidewalk light boxes, lamp post light boxes, telephone booths, car booths and other small billboards. Small signboards can be found everywhere. According to statistics, small signboards in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are widely penetrated in urban areas. The billboards are mainly light boxes, telephone booths and car booths. There are 5,085 such billboards in Beijing, 6,688 in Shanghai, and 6,492 in Guangzhou. It can be seen that the number of small cards in the three places is similar. The total number of small signboards in the three places is 18,265, accounting for 86% of all types of billboards in the three places.

2. The area of ​​medium-sized billboards is between 21 square meters and 249 square meters, such as medium-sized billboards on the roof, side of buildings, and pillars; medium-sized billboards are mainly distributed in various buildings, bridges, etc. , large area, good location. According to monitoring data, there are 912 brands in Beijing, 641 in Shanghai, and 1,159 in Guangzhou. Among the three places, Guangzhou has a relatively larger number of medium-sized brands. The total number of billboards in the three places is 2,712, accounting for 13% of all types of billboards in the three places.

3. Large-scale congratulatory billboards with an area of ​​more than 250 square meters, such as super-large advertising signs distributed on large building roofs and roadside; large-scale signboards have a huge area and are often distributed in various places. Rooftop, side of building, etc. Because of the huge area, the number is relatively small and there are few medium-sized cards. In Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the total number of large-scale brands is not large. Beijing has 56 pieces, Shanghai has 106 pieces, and Guangzhou has 51 pieces.

II、What is the appropriate resolution for inkjet outdoor advertising?

When producing outdoor large-scale inkjet printing and computer drafts

Generally, the production is based on the actual size of 1:1. The accuracy is generally 30 DPI. ​​

It can also be changed under special circumstances. Generally, it is about 30dpi for less than 5 square meters, 25dpi for 5-30 square meters, and 20dpi for 30-100 square meters. The accuracy can be lower for images over 100 square meters.

General files should not exceed 400M when stored in TIF without compre ssion.

Just don’t have mosaic when displaying it in actual size in PS. The format of the image should be a CMYK TIF image.