How much does a billboard inspection report cost?

2024-09-22 05:38:52

一、Which company should I choose for testing outdoor billboards?

1. The government stipulates that the construction of steel structures such as signboards, door heads, advertisements, light boxes, exhibition booths, etc. must be inspected to pre vent hidden dangers such as falls

2. It is necessary to If local streets report and provide information, a fully qualified testing company must sign a contract before construction can begin.

3. During construction, it is necessary to confirm the testing requirements and specifications with the testing unit to pre vent dismantling and remaking if the work does not meet the specifications.

4. After the production is completed, the testing unit needs to conduct testing and produce a qualified testing report, and the government will report it to the government before it is completed.

In this case, the testing company will bear legal responsibility. My family contacted Shanghai Construction Structure Inspection through Taobao, and they do it nationwide. I've been doing this for like 20 years. I feel like the testing and service are pre tty good.

二、Who issued the billboard safety assessment report?
A third-party organization. The billboard safety inspection and appraisal report refers to a professional inspection report issued by a third-party organization to test the safety status of the billboard.