Can't the outdoor air conditioner on the facade be used as a billboard?

⓵What are the regulations for owners to install air-conditioning hosts in public areas? What are the management measures for decoration and decoration of public buildings?

If authorized, please refer to the following for specific reference:

The basis for the management of public areas and facades and the location of air-conditioning outdoor units in decoration management

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1. Provisions on the concealment of public parts:

Provisions in the "Supplementary Agreement and Attachments to the Commercial Housing Sales Contract":

Article 6 of the "Supplementary Agreement and Attachments to the Commercial Housing Sales Contract" (supplementary agreement to Article 20 of the contract) Ding He pointed out:

The buyer agrees to use the building roof or terrace or ground floor garden that forms an exclusive space The adjoining owner has the exclusive right to use the roof, terrace or ground floor garden of that part and promises not to infringe or interfere with the owner's exclusive use right. The specific scope of the exclusive use right shall be divided by the seller before the sale, except for the parts on the roof, terrace or ground floor garden where the building's flue, air conditioner, water pipes and other public supporting facilities are installed.

The owners who use the roof or terrace or the ground floor garden must provide convenience for public maintenance and management, abide by the unified decoration management regulations of the property management company, and must not change the isolation method, damage public facilities, or damage the ground. During hardening treatment, the use must not be changed, and the public green space in the community must not be encroached upon.

2. Provisions on facade management during the renovation period:

1. Provisions of the "Supplementary Agreement and Attachments to the Commercial Housing Sales Contract":

"Commercial Housing Sales and Purchases" Article 8 (Other Agreements) of the Supplementary Agreement and Attachments to the Contract stipulates:

In order to ensure the overall image of the project building, the buyer shall not change the appearance of the residence or building without authorization (including but not limited to enclosed balconies, Exterior doors and windows, changing exterior wall materials, colors, styles, etc.). If there are special circumstances where it is necessary to change the appearance of the residence or building, the buyer must make a written commitment to bear the losses caused to other owners and submit the decoration plan and application to the property management company for review in advance, and obtain written consent from the property management. Adjustable. If the buyer changes the appearance of the residence or building without approval, the seller has the right to require the buyer to pay 20% of the total house price as liquidated damages as agreed in the contract, and the buyer must bear the consequences to other owners. Covering Zhoucheng's losses.

2. The provisions of the "Residential Interior Decoration and Decoration Management Measures" (Ministry of Construction Order [2002] No. 110):

Article 6 of the "Residential Interior Decoration and Decoration Management Measures" : "Renovators engaged in residential interior decoration activities shall not engage in the following activities without approval: (1) erecting buildings and structures; (2) changing the exterior facade of a residence Open doors and windows on non-load-bearing exterior walls;

(3) Remove and modify heating pipes and facilities;

(4) Dismantle and modify gas pipes and facilities.

The behaviors listed in items (1) and (2) of this article shall be approved by the urban planning administrative department; the behavior in item (3) shall be approved by the heating management unit; the behavior in item (4) shall be approved by the heating management unit; Approved by the gas management unit”

3. Provisions of the “Temporary Management Regulations”:

Article 15 of the “Temporary Management Regulations” stipulates:

The owner, When using the property, in addition to complying with the provisions of laws, regulations and policies, the user shall not engage in the following behaviors that endanger the safety of the building or damage the legitimate rights and interests of others:

Unauthorized changes to the structure of the building and its facilities and equipment , appearance (including the color, shape and specifications of exterior walls, exterior doors, windows, balconies and other facilities), design purpose, function and layout, etc.;

Indiscriminate pasting and hanging that affects the view of the city or the appearance of the property , scribbling, graffiti, carving, graffiti, setting up billboards, etc.;

Installing sunshade curtains, awnings, flower stands and other other structures on the exterior walls of buildings without authorization, without following the designated locations Install the outdoor unit of the air conditioner without dripping water.

3. Regulations on the installation and management of exterior air-conditioning main units:

1. The provisions of the "Commercial House Instructions":

The "Commercial Houses Instructions" No. Eight (household decoration) regulations:

When installing air conditioners, please remember:

1. Install according to the original design and the location specified by the property management company;

2. Be sure to connect the indoor and outdoor drainage pipes to the floor drain nearby;

3. After installation, be sure to seal the remaining space of the reserved hole for the air conditioner, otherwise rainwater or small animals may enter indoor.

2. Provisions of the "Temporary Management Regulations":

Article 5 of the "Temporary Management Regulations" stipulates:

Installation of air conditioners shall be reserved according to the house design If the location is not reserved, it shall be installed in accordance with relevant regulations or the location designated by the property service company or other managers.

Hope to adopt it!

⓶The outdoor unit of the air conditioner is sealed in the billboard above the store entrance. Is there any way to dissipate the heat? Or is there any kind of exhaust fan that draws air to the outside?
This is not the ultimate solution, because you cannot turn the exhaust fan on and off all the time, and the exhaust fan will not last long when used outdoors. The best way is to move the air conditioner.
If it’s someone else’s billboard, let Xie Xi Pants Selling Pure Li Tiao Real Estate handle the matter. If you’re really unhappy, just sue
