How big a typhoon can a big roadside billboard withstand?

壹、There is an advertising board 6x18=108 square meters. How much pre ssure will it bear in a Category 12 typhoon? How to calculate it?
Some basic data are recommended for you to check yourself. The memory will be deeper.
First of all, you need to know the wind speed v of the Category 12 typhoon
Secondly, you need to know the density of the air ρ
The area of ​​the billboard in the question is S=108㎡, (this question has assumed that the billboard is vertical Wind direction)
The pre ssure on the billboard F=S*ρ*v²
In F=ma
The value of a in this question is equal to v, and the unit is m /s²
The volume of air blocked by the billboard per unit time (that is, one second) is v*S
So, the mass of air m=v*S*ρ

贰、The issue of force majeure in advertising contracts
The force majeure clause is one of the exemption clauses in the contract, and is used as a defense to avoid future disputes when the other party demands liability.
The force majeure clause is an agreed clause, and the content can be agreed upon by the parties.
As for the level of typhoon resistance, you may have to find out in a special contract. This is an industry rule. Who knows how many levels of wind billboards made of different materials can withstand? I’m afraid even people with average qualifications who make billboards don’t know about it!
Generally, you write the level according to the agreed level. However, if you write a level higher and the other party also signs it, wouldn’t the scope of your exemption from liability be wider? Haha
As for the format of force majeure clauses, there are a lot of them on the Internet, and you will find a lot of them just by searching.
