
I、How to charge for car body advertising design
I don’t know whether I want to do car body advertising for bus lines or advertising for ordinary private cars or company cars. The specific fees for bus lines are as follows:
Single Floor buses:
Special A: No. 19, No. 23, No. 710, No. 801, No. 901, No. 101 Articulated, No. 303
A: No. 2, No. 7, No. 22, No. 31, No. 101, No. 702, No. 708
B: No. 1, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 8, No. 9, No. 11, No. 13, No. 18, No. 24, No. 25, No. 26, No. 27, No. 30, No. 201, No. 203, No. 602, No. 701, No. 703, No. 706, No. 707, No. 711, No. 712, No. 715
C: No. 14, No. 17, No. 20, No. 28, No. 29, No. 32, No. 33, No. 612, No. 613, No. 704, No. 705, No. 713, No. 716
Medium bus:
A: No. 501, No. 503 , No. 506, No. 513, No. 516, No. 524, No. 528, No. 531, No. 532, No. 533, No. 534
B: No. 505, No. 512, No. 514, No. 515, No. 518, No. 519 , No. 521, No. 523, No. 525, No. 526, No. 527, No. 529, No. 541
(Single-decker bus) Full body advertising: (yuan/month/vehicle)
Special A: 4,000< br/>A:3,600
Production fee (5,000 yuan/vehicle)
(Single-decker bus) Double-sided advertising:
Special A:---
Production fee 3,000 (yuan/vehicle)
(medium-sized bus) full body Advertisement
Special A:---
Production fee 3,000 (yuan/vehicle)

Note: 1. Special A-class, A-class single-decker buses, and medium-sized buses do not have double-side body advertising.
2. Each line of B-class buses can have 10 double-sided body advertisements.
3. Double-sided body advertising can be used on all C-class lines.
4. Production fee = design fee + large drawing fee + vehicle parking fee + production fee + maintenance fee + restoration fee
