
Liquor and snack shop advertising light box


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资仲虎 2024-09-22 17:00:21

⑴How much does it cost to join a snack shop now?
1. Franchise fee
The current general snack store franchise fee is about 50,000 yuan, and there is a 20,000 yuan deposit. Of course, it is guaranteed to be returned to the franchisee after the performance of the contract is completed.
In addition to enjoying the brand effect, choosing to join the franchise also saves you from searching for sources of goods, which is time-consuming and laborious. Generally, snack franchise brands have a wide variety of snacks to choose from, and the supply is stable. Compared with purchasing wholesale by yourself, the quality is completely guaranteed.
2. Store rent
The area of ​​the physical store does not need to be too large, generally about 30 square meters is enough, and the monthly rent is about 2,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan. Of course, the rent may vary depending on the location and development scale.
3. Decoration Cost
How much does it cost to open a snack shop? Naturally, it is inseparable from the cost of decoration. However, because you choose to join, the franchise headquarters usually provides store design plans for free, and only requires simple decoration. Under normal circumstances, the decoration cost is about 20,000 yuan. During the decoration, you can purchase the required shelves, counters and other equipment, which will probably cost about 8,000 yuan
4. Staff costs
This mainly depends on your own situation. If you have enough manpower, you don’t need to hire someone. People. If you need a lover, you usually only need to recruit 1-2 people. In order to save money, you can find part-time workers. The total monthly salary to be paid is only 2,000 yuan per month.
5. The cost of distribution
It is the cost of the first batch of goods, which is about 10,000 yuan. On the one hand, the franchise headquarters will give you a list of products with good sales for you to choose from. On the other hand, since the best-selling products vary greatly in different regions, try as many different types of products as possible. It should be noted that The quantity should not be too much. Pay attention to the popularity of these products in subsequent sales. If the results are good, you can buy more next time. If the results are not good, buy less or even not at all.
6. Other expenses
Mainly the cost of applying for some relevant documents: about 4,000 yuan
And the cost of water and electricity: about 300 yuan
We have analyzed clearly how much it costs to open a snack shop, one A snack shop requires an investment of about 100,000 yuan. It should be noted that all entrepre neurial projects have certain risks. I hope everyone will consider it carefully before trying.

If you want to know the process and conditions of opening a snack shop, you can click [How to open a snack shop and become the boss]. When opening a snack franchise store, you must choose a strong brand. Only by joining can you be guaranteed, can entrepre neurs feel at ease, and at the same time can the success rate of opening a store be high.