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How to install power supply for advertising lights

本文目录一览How to match the appropriate driving power supply for LED lights?

Generally, LED lamp beads are connected in series. The LED current is generally about 20 mA. The total power consumed when each group is on is P=220X0.02=4.4 watts. The power supply is civilian electricity. 220V.

The lamp beads have different colors, and the working voltages at both ends are also different, such as red 1.5V each; yellow and green 1.8-2.0V each; blue and white 3.3 Around V.

How to match a suitable driving power supply for an LED lamp?
To match a suitable driving power supply for an LED lamp, you need to have a clear understanding of the (LED chip) lamp and master the working current and working voltage of the lamp. The working current and working voltage provided by the selected driving power supply must not exceed the current and voltage of the lamp. The power of the driving power supply must have a certain margin to ensure that the power supply will not be overloaded or overheated.
If you choose a constant current power supply, try to match it with the lamps. If you use a regulated power supply, it is best to choose an adjustable power supply with better voltage stabilization performance. The current should also have a margin, and the adjusted power supply voltage cannot exceed Permissible voltage of the luminaire.
How to match LED lamp beads and power driver? How to calculate? Please give me some advice from experts
The matching of LED lamp beads and power driver is mainly based on the voltage, current and connection method of the LED lamp beads. In order to choose a suitable power driver, you need to first determine the rated current and voltage of the LED lamp beads, and then calculate the required total current and total voltage based on the number and connection methods of the lamp beads. Next, you can select a power supply driver with an output voltage and current range that covers these needs.
In detail, the matching and calculation process can be divided into the following steps:
1. Determine the LED lamp bead parameters:
-First , you need to know the rated voltage and rated current of each LED lamp bead. This information can usually be obtained from the LED lamp specification sheet or the data sheet provided by the supplier.
-For example, the voltage of the commonly used 5050RGBWLED lamp beads is generally 3-3.5V and the current is 20mA.
2. Calculate the total voltage and total current:
-If the LED lamp beads are connected in series, then the total voltage is the sum of the voltages of all the lamp beads. For 10 5050RGBWLED lamp beads connected in series, the total voltage will be between 30-35V.
-The total current is usually the same as the current of a single LED lamp bead, because the current is equal everywhere in the series circuit. In this example, the total current is 20mA.
3. Select the power driver:
-Select a suitable power driver based on the calculated total voltage and total current. The output voltage and current of the power driver should be able to cover the total voltage and total current requirements of the LED lamp beads.
-For the above example, you can choose a power supply driver with an output voltage of 30-35V and a current capability of at least 20mA.
4. Consider other factors:
-In addition to basic voltage and current matching, factors such as power drive efficiency, power factor, stability and reliability also need to be considered .
-In addition, if the LED lamp beads have special heat dissipation requirements or size restrictions, they also need to be considered when selecting a power driver.
In summary, the matching of LED lamp beads and power driver is a process that compre hensively considers multiple factors. By understanding the parameters of LED lamp beads and the performance indicators of the power driver in detail, you can ensure that the selected power driver can provide stable and reliable power supply for the LED lamp beads, thereby ensuring that the brightness, color and lifespan of the LED lamps achieve the expected results.
