
˙﹏˙To make a billboard that is 60 cm long and 40 cm wide, use a square plate. How many lengths of length should be used to make it? How many advertisements can be made?

Use a side length of 120 cm. of squares for advertising, and each square can hold 6 advertisements.

The least common multiple of 1, 60 and 40 is 120, so a square with a side of 120 cm can be used for advertising.

2. You can make 6 pieces of advertisements. The cropped picture is as shown in the figure:

Extended information:

Properties of a square:

1. Two sets of opposite sides are parallel; four sides are equal; adjacent sides are perpendicular to each other.

2. The four angles are all 90°, and the sum of the interior angles is 360°.

3. Diagonals are perpendicular to each other; diagonals are equal and bisect each other; each diagonal bisects a set of opposite angles.

4. It is both a centrally symmetrical figure and an axially symmetrical figure (with four axes of symmetry).

5. A diagonal line of a square divides the square into two congruent isosceles right triangles. The angle between the diagonal line and the side is 45°; two diagonal lines of the square divide the square into two congruent isosceles right triangles. Four congruent isosceles right triangles.

6. The square has all the properties and characteristics of the parallelogram, rhombus, and rectangle.

7. Draw the largest circle (the inscribed circle of the square) inside the square. The area of ​​the circle is about 78.5% [π/4] of the area of ​​the square; the smallest circle that completely covers the square The area (circumscribed circle of the square) is approximately 157% [π/2] of the area of ​​the square.

8. A square is a special rectangle, and a square is a special rhombus.
