
本文目录一览⑴The billboard next door has been used as my facade. How should I deal with it here?
I think the billboard next door went too far and completely affected your rights and interests. This kind of thing should first be negotiated effectively between the two parties. If negotiations fail, we can ask the plaque management for help.

⑵Can I get compensation if the billboard land is expropriated?
First of all, it should be said that if your yard is not within the scope of your homestead, neither your yard nor the billboard land is legal land. Procedures;
Secondly, even if there are no legal land use procedures, if it is a historical issue and involves expropriation, the ground objects should be compensated according to standards, including compensation for your yard and billboards. Compensation;
Thirdly, since you do not have legal rights and interests in your yard, and your family and your friend have not agreed on the use of billboards, compensation for expropriation, etc., you should each obtain your own compensation for land expropriation;< br/>
Finally, since the land use procedures for the yard and billboards have not been completed, the compensation standard is low, and the details can be negotiated with the land acquisition and demolition person.

⑶、Do I need to compensate for the billboard removal that has been completed? We are in a rural area and have only recently begun to rectify it!
For billboards that have not been notified by the relevant local departments or have been completed before the announcement, when they are dismantled or prohibited from being hung, appropriate compensation should be given or compensation should be paid from the unified billboards; those produced after the announcement may not be used. be compensated.
