Which is better for billboards, aluminum plate or aluminum-plastic plate?

本文目录一览(-__-)bThe difference between aluminum panels and aluminum-plastic panels

The main difference between aluminum panels and aluminum-plastic panels lies in their structure, properties and uses.

Aluminum plate is a pure metal material, mainly composed of aluminum elements, with high strength, hardness and good thermal conductivity. It is lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and easy to process into various shapes, so it is widely used in many fields, such as aviation, transportation, construction, and packaging.

However, the strength of aluminum plates is not very high, they are easily scratched or deformed, and some environmental problems may occur during processing.

In contrast, aluminum-plastic panel is a composite material, which is made of aluminum plate and plastic laminated. It has the advantages of aluminum plates and plastics, with high strength and hardness, as well as good insulation properties and corrosion resistance. Aluminum-plastic panels are lighter and easier to process than aluminum panels, and have higher impact resistance and scratch resistance, so they are widely used in construction, home decoration, advertising production and other fields.

At the same time, due to the pre sence of its plastic components, aluminum-plastic panels are more likely to produce waste and pollution during processing.

In general, aluminum panels and aluminum-plastic panels each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they should be selected according to the specific usage scenarios. If you need high strength, hardness and good thermal conductivity, you can choose aluminum panels; if you need materials that are lightweight, easy to process, corrosion-resistant and have a certain strength, you can choose aluminum-plastic panels.

Aluminum-plastic panels are good for advertising.

The effect is that most of the good billboards made of aluminum-plastic panels are made of aluminum-plastic panels. However, acrylic can also be used, which has better effect and is smooth and glossy.

The price of aluminum-plastic panels is relatively low, comes in a variety of colors, and the production effect is relatively good. Aluminum-plastic panel is a composite material made of chemically treated aluminum plate and polyethylene plastic as core materials and processed on special aluminum-plastic panel production equipment. Aluminum-plastic composite panels have unique properties, which determine their wide range of applications. It can be used for curtain walls, sign walls, old building decoration, interior wall ceiling decoration, billboards, display stands, and cleaning and dust-proof projects. Aluminum-plastic panels are a new type of building decoration material that have been widely used in our country.

?^?The difference between aluminum plate and aluminum-plastic plate
Aluminum plate and aluminum-plastic plate are both plates made of aluminum material, but they have some differences in structure, properties and uses.
1. Structure:
The aluminum plate is a single-layer metal plate made of pure aluminum or aluminum alloy materials. Its thickness is relatively large, with a common thickness of 0.2-200mm. It has high strength and stiffness and is suitable for occasions that need to withstand large loads and mechanical stress.
Aluminum-plastic panel is a composite material panel formed by laminating aluminum-plastic composite film and aluminum plate. Aluminum-plastic composite film is usually made by bonding polyethylene plastic film and aluminum foil layer. The thickness of aluminum-plastic panels is thin, usually between 2-6mm, and its strength is relatively low.
2. Properties:
Aluminum plate has good corrosion resistance, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. It also has high strength and hardness and can resist external pre ssure and deformation.
Due to the addition of plastic film, aluminum-plastic panels have good flexibility and toughness, and are easy to process and shape. In addition, aluminum-plastic panels also have good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties.
3. Usage:
Aluminum plates are widely used in aviation, automobile, construction and other industries, and can be used to manufacture aircraft, automobile parts, building structures, etc. Due to its good electrical conductivity, aluminum plates can also be used in radiators, battery covers, etc. for electronic products.
Aluminum-plastic panels are mainly used in interior decoration, billboards, exhibition panels and other fields. Due to its smooth surface and rich colors, aluminum-plastic panels are often used in advertising signs, interior decoration materials, exterior wall decoration, etc.

˙﹏˙What is the difference between aluminum plates and aluminum-plastic plates?

There are three differences between aluminum plates and aluminum-plastic plates:

1. They have different uses:

1. Uses of aluminum plates: lighting, solar reflective sheets, building exteriors, ceilings, furniture, cabinets, elevators, signs, nameplates, luggage, automotive interior and exterior decoration, refrigerators, microwave ovens, audio equipment, aerospace and military aspects .

2. Uses of aluminum-plastic panels: used in building exterior walls, curtain wall panels, renovation of old buildings, indoor wall and ceiling decoration, advertising signs, display stands, purification and dust-proof projects.

2. The essential differences between the two:

1. The essence of the aluminum plate: it is rolled and processed from aluminum ingots rectangular plate.

2. The essence of aluminum-plastic panel: it is a new type of building decoration material.

3. The classifications of the two are different:

1. Classification of aluminum plates:

Divided into pure aluminum plates, alloy aluminum plates, thin aluminum plates, medium-thick aluminum plates, Patterned aluminum plate.

2. Classification of aluminum-plastic panels:

(1) Fireproof board: Use flame-retardant core material, and the product’s combustion performance reaches flame-retardant grade (B1 grade) or non-combustible grade (A Level); at the same time, other performance indicators must also meet the technical indicator requirements of aluminum-plastic panels.

(2) Antibacterial and mildew-proof aluminum-plastic panels: Coating with antibacterial and bactericidal coatings on aluminum-plastic panels allows them to control microbial activity and reproduction and ultimately kill bacteria.

(3) Antistatic aluminum-plastic panels: Antistatic aluminum-plastic panels are coated with antistatic paint. The surface resistivity is below 109Ω, which is smaller than the surface resistivity of ordinary aluminum-plastic panels, so it is not easy to Static electricity is generated, and dust in the air is not easy to adhere to its surface.

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Aluminum Plate

Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Aluminum Plastic Plate
