Hangzhou outdoor led light box billboard

发布:2024-09-22 10:33:55 作者:可伯彩

1、How to charge for LED electronic light boxes in Hangzhou
There are several types of electronic light box charges: first, based on area, how much does one square meter cost? In Shenzhen, it is more than 600 per square meter; The second method is to calculate by size. For example, if the length of a word is 50cm and the width is 40cm, then calculate it by multiplying the longest 50cm by how much is one centimeter;
The third method is to calculate by material. To arrange lights, you roughly know how much material is needed, plus labor, and that’s the price. Different places have different charging methods. The third type is the most cost-effective, which is more favorable
2、How to make LED ultra-thin light box?

There are many things that need to be paid attention to when making ultra-thin LED light boxes, but different types of light boxes have different things to pay attention to. What are the things that need to be paid attention to when making ultra-thin light boxes? These light box pre cautions It is something that every light box production company must master. If it is not mastered, the result of light box production will not achieve the ideal effect. LED light boxes are very versatile.

First, when making LED ultra-thin light boxes, we must first make it clear that in order to ensure firmness, the size of the LED ultra-thin light boxes cannot be too large. At pre sent, Hangzhou Red Top Ultra-thin Light Box Technology Factory The maximum size of the ultra-thin light box produced is 2 meters * 6 meters, and it is best not to drill holes in the acrylic board and fix it with screws. Instead, it should be fixed with special adhesive or by embedding the board into the frame. In addition, Note that there should be heat dissipation holes on the sides of the light box.

The second is lighting. To achieve good visual effects with ultra-thin light boxes, the relevant lighting configuration must be carefully considered. Due to the rich colors of acrylic boards and the wide variety of lighting fixtures, it seems impossible to formulate a simple set of rules to ensure that each different light box sign has the best visual impact, but for most forms of signboards That said, the lighting method to be used is pre dictable. Every unique sign, sign, and light box requires pre -production samples to ensure the best lighting effect.

Third, it is the brightness of the light box. Brightness refers to the brightness of a certain point on the surface when viewed from a fixed angle. At pre sent, the brightness of the LED ultra-thin light boxes produced by Hangzhou Red Top Light Box Advertising Technology Factory generally reaches an illumination level of about 10 lux. Of course, we can meet the customer's brightness requirements for LED light boxes and achieve an illumination level of 50 lux. More advertising production services are available on Advertising Buying and Selling Network. In short, under different optical concepts, brightness is the most important design-related factor for luminous signs. Want to know more about the production of LED ultra-thin light boxes.