Elevator advertising screen promotion plan

What are the standard prices for elevator advertising charges and what are the methods of placing elevator advertising?
Elevator advertising has become an effective advertising platform that attracts attention due to its high-frequency contact characteristics in closed spaces. When choosing elevator advertising, people may be interested in charging standards and delivery methods.
There is no fixed standard for charging for elevator advertising. The charging unit is usually based on weekly or per advertising space. The specific price will vary depending on the city and the nature of the advertising space. Take Focus Media as an example. Its typical price for frame advertising in Chengdu is 614 yuan/page/week and that of electronic screen advertising is 478 yuan/page/week. Other advertising agencies typically charge lower prices than Focus Media. The advertising price will be adjusted every year, and the final price needs to be negotiated with the advertising rights holder or manufacturer.
There are three main types of elevator advertising: elevator frame advertising, elevator door sticker advertising and elevator TV advertising. Elevator frame advertisements are usually used to install advertising paintings in the elevator car and are a common form of advertising. Elevator door advertisements are posted inside and outside the elevator door, at the visual center point directly in front, occupying 1.5 times the area of ​​the entire elevator door, suitable for the location of the golden section, making it easier for people to read. Elevator TV advertisements use LED screens to play advertisements on the walls of elevator waiting booths, attracting viewers through the combination of images and sounds.
Elevator advertisements are compulsory to read. Since people have to take the elevator every day, advertisements have high-frequency exposure opportunities. The mainstream consumer group is between 20 and 45 years old, which is suitable for advertising on cars, real estate, etc. The characteristics of elevator advertising media make it one of the first choices for outdoor advertising. If you are interested in elevator advertising, please contact the editor of Zhaoguang via private message for more details.

【Pure Information】: The absolute secret to the effectiveness of elevator advertising, if you don’t know it, you are really seeking money and murder!

The secret weapon of elevator advertising: creating marketing hits

Instructor Peng Xiaodong in the advertising industry knows very well that the difference between advertising effect and team profit The key to improvement lies in pre cise strategy and professional execution. In the blue ocean of elevator advertising, if you want to stand out, the following points are indispensable practical guides:

1. Refining creativity and grabbing attention
During the golden moment of the elevator’s brief stop, advertising creative must be concise and powerful. Whether it is a dynamic video or a static image, it is necessary to ensure that the core message is conveyed in a short period of time, such as Liby advertising, which wins memory by highlighting the leadership position.

2. Differentiated advertising and following the trend
In an era of excess information, advertising needs to be strategic. Grasp the rules of the off-peak and peak seasons and make targeted investments to ensure that every investment generates maximum benefits.

3. Brand detonation, identify selling points
Use the high arrival rate of elevator advertising to highlight the brand's differentiated selling points, guide the target audience to have purchasing desire, and realize the brand rapid dissemination and increased awareness.

4. Target positioning and accurate delivery
Clear the target audience of the advertisement and choose the elevator scene that matches it to ensure that the information reaches the core users directly and improve the effectiveness of the advertisement. Reach rate.

5. Content strategy, directly touching people's hearts
Whether it is dynamic video or static design, the content must be focused and provide points that are easy to understand and remember, so that advertising becomes consumption. daily conversations.

6. The power of sound and the charm of interaction
Use sound to convey information, enhance interactivity, stimulate user participation through rebates and rewards, and enhance the appeal of advertising power and influence.

In the course taught by instructor Peng Xiaodong, he deeply analyzed the importance of sound, path, timing, location and other elements in elevator advertising, and emphasized the importance of continuous optimization and professional training. Importance of advertisers and industry.

The advantages of elevator advertising are its mandatory, high reach rate and cost-effectiveness, especially in 2023. Instructor Peng Xiaodong’s I Forum will provide free course gifts to provide advertising Media companies provide valuable consulting services.

Practical Rules
-The first step: Determine the target consumer group and find the right delivery touch points.
-Step 2: The idea is concise, the information is easy to understand, and the short display space of the elevator is used well.
-Step 3: Pay attention to sound and information transmission to ensure it is clear and easy to remember.
-Step 4: The brand slogan and visual effects should be eye-catching, and the QR code should be used appropriately.
-Step 5: Plan smartly and respond flexibly to market changes.
-Step 6: Monitor the effect and make real-time adjustments to ensure maximum return on investment.

Through the above strategies, elevator advertising can not only increase sales, but also shape brand image. The guidance of instructor Peng Xiaodong undoubtedly provides valuable practical guidance for advertisers. Grasp these key points, and your advertising may become a real marketing killer!
