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Where can I go to register for the installation of billboards on storefronts in Nanning?

希季彤2024-09-23 17:26:27威海广告网百科3271
大家好!今天让小编来大家介绍下关于Where can I go to register for the installation of billboards on storefronts in Nanning?的问题,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,让我们一起来看看吧。
1、How to report billboards at the door of Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province?
Hello, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province wants to make door billboards and report to the urban management office of the community where it is located

2、Does the content I play on the LED display screen installed above the storefront need to be approved?

The installation of the LED display screen needs to be approved by the local government.

Usually through the following departments: industry and commerce, law enforcement, urban management, and urban planning. The standards in each region are slightly different, but they are similar. These four departments are not allowed to issue certificates. Strictly speaking, the local public security bureau also needs to report.

Approval process for outdoor full-color LED display:

First go to the Planning Bureau to apply for installation. That is: whether the setting plan of the LED screen meets the relevant requirements, and whether you agree with the setting plan of the electronic display screen. Information required: rental agreement for the location where the advertisement will be installed, location map of the advertisement location, safety certificate, and electricity usage certificate, structural drawings, photos before installation and renderings after installation.

After successful application, go to the urban management department of the "Construction Bureau" to apply again. That is: will the installation of LED screens have any impact on the city and other related damages? If the LED screen installation area is relatively large, it must be approved by the Transportation Bureau before it can be installed.

After successfully applying for both of the above, go to the "Law Enforcement Bureau" for processing. Information to be provided: the four-position plan of the location where the electronic screen is to be installed, the relevant floor plan, and other relevant certificates and information.

Finally, go to the "Industrial and Commercial Bureau" to apply for "outdoor billboard" materials: business license; ID card of the person in charge; copy of the billboard pattern; copy of the license of the advertising unit with the right to operate advertising; Planning Bureau, Law Enforcement Bureau, Construction Bureau, Transportation Bureau, approved application certificates.

What the above reflects is that if an individual wants to invest in an outdoor advertising screen, which departments need to be approved, and which aspects of the project are mainly approved by each relevant department. We personally want to invest in a screen and target the relevant approval departments. , what specific written materials need to be reported for the other party to refer to, review, and approve.

Extended information:

To apply for approval of advertising display screen, the following supporting documents must be submitted for verification:

1. Copy of business license (issued by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau);

2. Copy of the advertising business license; (issued by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau);

3. Feasibility study report, mainly for installing this screen It can brighten local cities and improve local commercial value. It is easier to manage by administrative units than traditional outdoor billboards and is environmentally friendly. The country has introduced laws to strongly support the replacement of traditional outdoor billboards with electronic screens. Analytical reports on aspects of the report were pre pared in an aspect that was beneficial to the local city, and were reviewed and approved on the one hand.

4. Approval documents from superior authorities; (i.e., review documents from the above planning bureau, public security bureau, etc.);

5. Original copy of the agreement for the use of the advertising venue; for example: For vertical block screens on the exterior walls of shopping malls, you need to sign a site rental agreement with the other party. For traditional outdoor billboards to be erected on the roof of a building or on the wall of the building, you must sign a site rental agreement (by years) with the other party. , and then go through relevant procedures based on the agreement.

6. If the establishment location needs to be approved by the relevant government departments according to laws and regulations, the approval documents from the relevant departments must be submitted.

Reference material: Baidu Encyclopedia-Advertising Display Management Measures