
⒈What is the price of color steel gusset plates?

Colored steel gusset plate is a new material used to make the base plate of outdoor advertising signs. It is composed of galvanized color-coated plate and keel buckle, and the formed galvanized color-coated plate is made of type 84C , 40F type, 77 right-angle windproof type and other common types. Color steel gussets are easy to install and can be installed vertically, horizontally and at multiple angles. Many customers who buy color steel gusset boards to make billboards don't know how to calculate the cost price. If there is a problem in the calculation, there will be errors in the quotation. So, what is the price of color steel gusset boards?

Color steel gusset plate price:

1. Color steel gusset plate is the most important material for making billboards. The unit price is generally maintained in the range of 20 yuan per square meter, and the quality and color matching of the gussets are a very important issue in design. The gusset plate keel color steel gusset plate keel accounts for a small proportion, and the quantity used is generally about 3% of the gusset plate meters. Therefore, this keel can be estimated to be approximately 3 yuan per square meter. The most expensive thing about making billboards is the advertising words. Generally, laser cutting and processing is expensive, and the quotation for advertising words is about 80 yuan per square meter. Fasteners, labor costs, this labor cost includes installation, debugging, screws, nuts and other miscellaneous parts, the proportion is not high and is adjusted according to the wage level of workers in each region.

2. The wholesale market price of color steel gusset plates is stable between 2.5-2.8 yuan per meter, and the price of keels is between 1.8-2.2 yuan per meter. . Relatively speaking, manufacturers have lower prices. For example, the wholesale price of Poststar's gusset boards is 2.1 yuan per meter. But shipping is not included. Therefore, the most affordable and effective way is to reasonably adjust the demand quantity and purchase from manufacturers. At pre sent, the economies of Hebei, Beijing, and Tianjin are developing in a coordinated manner, and outdoor advertising has been greatly rectified. The urban construction department strongly recommends the use of color steel gusset door headers to gradually phase out inkjet advertising.

(The price is from the Internet, for reference only)

3. The cost of color steel gusset plates is extremely low, with a cost of only RMB 30 per square meter. Yuan or so. The material of the color steel gusset plate is a key factor to consider when purchasing. Many consumers have a misunderstanding that the thicker the board, the better, and the harder it is, the better. Many manufacturers and profiteers often take advantage of consumers' psychology to make a fuss about the substrate or surface of the color steel gusset plate by increasing the thickness of the coating or film to increase the overall thickness of the gusset plate. What's more, they do not hesitate to use a large amount of chromium, lead, Mercury and other harmful substances. This kind of color steel gusset board is very deceptive due to its low price, high hardness and thickness that can cater to the psychology of uninformed consumers.

4. The price varies depending on the region and the thickness and specifications of the color steel. Generally, the difference is more than 10 yuan per square meter, and the medium and high-grade ones are more than 30 yuan per square meter. Install at will according to specifications, colors, spacing, and directions required by customers. The layout effect is simple, generous, eye-catching, novel and surprising.

Manufacturer of color steel gussets

1. Henan Zhonglian Jiade Industrial Co., Ltd.

Zhengzhou Guangcai Color Tu Co., Ltd. is located in Nancao Gold Oil Depot, South Fourth Ring Road, Zhengzhou City, with convenient transportation and very developed logistics. The company was founded in 2005 and has more than 70 employees, including 2 color coating engineers, 3 senior technicians, and 1 mechanical designer. A compre hensive enterprise specializing in baseboards, color steel belts, roller shutter door ribbons, three-dimensional gusset ribbons, and advertising gusset/three-dimensional gusset forming equipment. Now it has 2 large-scale rolling mills, 2 hot-dip galvanizing production lines, and 3 400-type color coating lines. The production equipment is the most advanced assembly line in the province, with first-class production technology and high product quality. The daily output of galvanized strip steel is 160 tons. 80 tons of ribbon steel.

2. Changsha Disai Advertising Co., Ltd.

Changsha Disai Advertising Co., Ltd. is located at 1131 Splendid Central, Wuyi Square, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China. We are waiting for you. Changsha Disai Advertising Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004. It is located at 1131 Splendid Central, Wuyi Square, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province. The main Business: high-quality stainless steel luminous characters, high-quality stainless steel flat characters, high-quality resin characters, high-quality titanium characters, stainless steel products, inkjet printing, photo printing, engraving, and signage companies. The company's Changsha factory has a factory building of 2,400 square meters and a professional stainless steel metal character production department. , Inkjet photo production department, etc.

You can calculate the cost of a color steel gusset billboard by the area of ​​the color steel gusset plate required when making the billboard. Of course, different There will also be certain differences in the production methods and process prices. When the manufacturer quotes, you can roughly understand the quality of the color steel gusset plates, as well as the different brands of color steel gusset plates and the required square meters of color steel gusset plates. It is also the key to calculating the price of color steel gusset plates.

The above is the relevant content about the price of color steel gusset plates. I hope it can be helpful to everyone!

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