How to write on an electric vehicle repair billboard

本文目录一览一、What should I do if I open a new motorcycle and electric vehicle repair shop and there is no business?
1. Buy a few old cars and put them at the door and use them as billboards
2. Don’t use them at the door. It’s too clean, and there’s some oil, spare parts, etc.
3. Ask your friends, neighbors, etc., who have cars to come to you for repairs, even if it’s free of charge. Firstly, there is a car for you to practice on, and secondly, others will naturally gain confidence when they see you busy.
4. In fact, everything else is just a false move. What really works is to treat every customer with your heart. You want every customer who comes through your door to become your regular customer. The more you accumulate, the more business you will have. Okay

二、How to write slogans for electric vehicle maintenance?
1. Give your electric car a new look and make your trip more secure!
2. Professional electric vehicle maintenance to keep your electric vehicle in the best condition forever!
3. Is there something wrong with the electric vehicle? Don't worry, we provide you with fast and professional solutions!
4. Let us provide compre hensive maintenance and repair services for your electric vehicle to make your travel more enjoyable!
5. A professional technical team provides efficient and considerate maintenance services for your electric vehicle!
6. Electric vehicle maintenance will make your travel more worry-free and labor-saving!
7. Professional maintenance technology will make your electric vehicle shine the brightest!
8. Let us provide the highest quality maintenance services for your electric vehicle, making your trip more comfortable and secure!

三、I want to open an electric car store, what color combination is more eye-catching for the billboard?
Are you talking about the top of the store
or the side
or the light box
Is it to sell the car or repair the car?
If you are repairing a car,
white letters on a blue background
or blue letters on a white background
if you are selling a car.
It depends on which brand you repre sent
Whether this brand has a fixed image.
Generally, large factories have planned it well
If you choose
you should choose colorful pictures
or a forest-like one.
Blue text on white background

四、How to create a billboard for battery car maintenance and car tires together?
Car parts sales and electric car breakdown repair. The billboards for battery car repairs and car tires should highlight the sale of car parts and repairs specifically for electric car models. In this way, the business scope and maintenance scope can be summarized. The above are related answers about the installation of billboards together with battery car maintenance and car tires.
