Fried rice and noodles billboard design

一、Fried noodles, fried noodles, fried rice, fried snails, how to choose a good billboard name?
Every small stir-fry, this name not only expre sses that this store sells stir-fried, but also expre sses the The shop sells several kinds of stir-fried dishes.
Since the name of the store is chosen, customers should be able to tell at a glance what kind of store this is, so as to attract customers to come in and order food.
Billboard is a signaling tool in the pull system to start the next production process, or to transport in-process products to downstream processes. This term means signal or signal board in Japanese, and generally refers to all outdoor media that transmit advertising information. , the size of the media depends on the actual environment. The pictures of store signs, doors, and facades can be drawn by hand, produced by computer, or printed on paper.

二、What equipment is needed to set up a street stall such as fried rice noodles and egg fried rice, and how much is the approximate total investment?
It is estimated to be about 3,000 yuan, a second-hand electric tricycle is about 1,000 yuan, a gas stove and a gas tank are about 300 yuan, and an umbrella canopy is also needed, which is also a few hundred yuan.

If the egg fried rice is not fried well, it will become scrambled eggs mixed with white rice. When frying, put a little less oil in the pan. Not only is it enough to stir-fry eggs, but you also need to consider the rice. For white rice, use cold rice that has been left overnight. Hot rice has too much water. Turn on the fire and burn the oil. Remember that the oil temperature should not be too high and it should not smoke. It doesn't matter if the eggs are not beaten evenly. Just break it into pieces and pour it in. Be sure not to let the eggs clump. Quickly fry the eggs in the pot to break them. When the egg liquid starts to solidify, you can add a little salt but not too much.

When it is completely solidified, add rice. At this time, the white rice will clump together because it is cold, so don’t turn the heat too high, it will generally be fine. Loosen the rice little by little and mix it with the eggs. Remember not to add water or it will turn into soaked rice. Although the rice will be lumpy, it will loosen into pieces after frying. Then add some salt according to your taste. You can also add some chopped green onions when potting at the end. A plate of fragrant and delicious egg fried rice is ready.

Fried rice noodles is a classic traditional snack. The main ingredient is rice noodles, stir-fried with cabbage and other vegetables. Fried rice noodles is a kind of Cantonese snack. The classic fried rice noodles are added with an egg and some seasonal side dishes. Most of these side dishes are bean sprouts, water spinach, and lettuce.

The nutritional value and effect of egg fried rice are to supplement nutrition and calm the mind. Rice is rich in rice protein, which can meet the amino acids needed by the human body. Eggs are rich in lecithin, protein and trace elements, which can be used to treat symptoms such as irritability and irritability. However, the cholesterol content in egg fried rice is It is relatively high, so you cannot eat more in a day, and it is not suitable for people with high blood pre ssure and high blood lipids.

Franchisees can contact the headquarters of the specialty fried noodles and fried rice brand in advance and go to the headquarters to inspect the projects they want to know about, taste the flavor of the specialty fried noodles and fried rice for free, and have face-to-face communication with the headquarters staff to discuss some detailed issues in depth. Franchisees learn a series of store operation techniques and management methods at the headquarters. Try to choose a store location in a densely populated or busy commercial area, and conduct small advertising before opening. When decorating the store, choose bright lights and a ventilated environment to provide consumers with a good tasting environment. [Click to learn more about franchise projects]
