
High price recycling billboard template


壹、What are the four common deceptions used by businesses?
The four big lies are: transfer of popular store, recycling at high price, arriving soon, and another bottle.
1. Transfer of Prosperous Shops
In business districts, we often see signs saying “Prosperous Shops for Sale”. This usually means that the business is not doing well and the owner wants to move it out as soon as possible. However, the word "prosperous shop" gives people the impre ssion that business is booming, which may be very different from the actual situation. This is a classic form of misleading advertising designed to attract potential buyers.
Example: Mr. Zhang saw a message about “Prosperous Shop Transfer” and thought it was a good opportunity. However, after taking over, he discovered that the store's customer flow was not as expected and there were various operational problems.
2. High-priced recycling
“High-priced recycling” is common in various recycling industries, such as scrap recycling, second-hand item recycling, etc. This is usually a catchy gimmick to attract customers. But in fact, the real recycling price may be much lower than the advertised "high price."
Example: Ms. Li saw an advertisement for "High Price Gold Recycling" and decided to sell some unused gold jewelry. But after arriving at the store, she discovered that the so-called "high price" was actually not high, and there were various deductions during the process.
3. Be there soon
This is a very common lie, especially in the service industry. For example, when we dine in a restaurant, the waiter may say: "The food will be here soon." But in fact, we may still have to wait for a long time. This kind of rhetoric is just to appease customers and pre vent them from being dissatisfied because of long waiting times.
4. One more bottle
“One more bottle” is a common promotion method in beverage bottle caps. However, the odds of winning are usually low. Although this kind of promotion does exist, consumers are often attracted by this "maybe winning" mentality and thus purchase more products.
Example: Xiao Wang bought a bottle of drink, and when he opened the bottle cap, he found "One more bottle" written on it. He excitedly went to redeem it, but was told that the promotion had ended and could not be redeemed. This is a strategy that exploits consumer psychology.
To sum up, the reason why these four lies are common is largely because they can effectively attract consumers’ attention and satisfy consumers’ psychological expectations to a certain extent. However, as consumers, we need to remain vigilant, consume rationally, and avoid being misled by these superficial lies.

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