Why doesn't the light on the billboard come on when the power is on?

本文目录一览一、Causes and solutions for why the billboard sign light does not light up
There are many reasons. It depends on the specific problem. If the light bulb is broken, replace the light bulb. If the circuit is broken, repair the circuit. It is recommended to find a professional electrician to do it.

二、The LED billboard is not lighting up
The wire is short-circuited, I guess your lamp is burned out

三、How to repair the LED light box billboard that does not light up
1. Be sure to check the power connection and switch:
If the LED light box billboard does not light up, you first need to check the power connection and switch . Make sure the power plug is plugged in and the power switch is on. Also make sure the power cord is not damaged or unplugged, try re-plugging it to make sure the connection is OK. In addition, you also need to check whether the switch on the billboard is turned on. Sometimes the switch may not be turned on, causing the light box to not light up.
2. Check whether the LED light tube needs to be replaced:
The LED light box billboard does not light up, which may also be caused by damage to the LED light tube. LED lamps have a limited life span. When the lamps are aged or damaged, the light box will often not light up. At this time, the lamp needs to be replaced. Generally speaking, replacing the lamp can solve this problem. Please make sure to choose the appropriate type of lamp and follow the correct installation method when replacing it.
If none of the above methods solve the problem, or you are not sure how to repair it, it is recommended to contact a professional LED light box billboard repairman. They have rich maintenance experience and professional equipment, and can quickly locate and solve light box failures. Keep in mind that doing repairs yourself may lead to more serious problems, so it's best to seek professional help if you're unsure.
