
作者:义叔羽 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 22:42:09

壹、If the store is removed, should the billboards be removed together?
Remove them together.
If the store is no longer open, it means that this address is no longer the address where you operate. It is best to remove the billboards together for the convenience of subsequent tenants and for the safety of the general public.
Operators and advertising installers should pay attention to the safety of billboards and conduct regular safety inspections of billboards to identify potential safety hazards. In the event of strong winds, heavy rain warning forecasts and other severe weather, safety pre cautions such as reinforcement and power outage should be taken promptly for outdoor advertising facilities; when potential safety hazards such as leakage or looseness are discovered, they should be repaired or dismantled immediately. When a store closes or moves away, the original store owner should remove the billboard promptly.