Shangrao billboard unified planning

本文目录一览一、How about Jiangxi Chenya Technology Co., Ltd.?

Jiangxi Chenya Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Shangrao County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province on November 20, 2014. Its registered address is located in Shangrao, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province No. 34, Shili, Qiaoxia Village, Xuri Street Office, County.

The unified social credit code/registration number of Jiangxi Chenya Technology Co., Ltd. is 913611213147035858. The corporate legal person is Huang Huimin. The company is currently in business.

The business scope of Jiangxi Chenya Technology Co., Ltd. is: technology development, technology transfer, technical consulting, and technical services in the field of electronic technology; software development; economic information consulting; digital product design; computer hardware, electronics Products, communication equipment, office equipment, craft gifts, advertising materials, car sales; advertising design, production, and release; billboard installation; car rental; agency car insurance and annual inspection; provision of business and individual license services (subject to approval according to law) Projects can only carry out business activities after approval by relevant departments). In Jiangxi Province, the total registered capital of companies with similar business scope is 23.31018 million yuan, and the main capital is concentrated in enterprises with a scale of more than 50 million and 1-10 million, a total of 4,487. Within this province, the current registered capital of enterprises is considered to be good.

View more information and information about Jiangxi Chenya Technology Co., Ltd. through Baidu Enterprise Credit.

二、Will the typhoon come to Shangrao?

The typhoon will come to Shangrao.

According to weather forecasts and reports from the meteorological department, the path of the typhoon is difficult to determine, and it is currently impossible to accurately pre dict whether it will directly reach the Shangrao area. However, according to historical data and analysis, the Shangrao area is a place where typhoons often pass through, and the impact of typhoons is also obvious. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that the typhoon may affect Shangrao.

Shangrao is located in the north-central area of ​​Jiangxi Province, between the south of the Yangtze River and the north of the Gan River. It is a relatively low-lying area. Due to its geographical location, Shangrao is vulnerable to typhoons. Every summer and autumn are the most active times for typhoons, and this is also the period when Shangrao enters the typhoon-affected area. The formation of typhoons is affected by many factors, such as air temperature, ocean temperature, etc.

Notes on typhoons

1. Preparations before the arrival of the typhoon: Before the arrival of the typhoon, we should obtain typhoon warning information in time. disturbance to understand the path and intensity of typhoons. At the same time, we must do a good job in safety protection of windows, balconies, outdoor items, etc. at home to pre vent falling objects from injuring people. In addition, store enough emergency supplies such as food, drinking water, and medicine in case of emergency.

2. Take safe shelter from wind and rain: When a typhoon comes, we should avoid going out and try to stay in a safe place. If you must be outdoors, stay away from dangerous areas such as tall buildings, trees, billboards, etc. It is safe to go out only after the typhoon warning is lifted. When encountering heavy rain, pay special attention to water accumulation and flooding on the streets and avoid wading through water.

3. Pay attention to typhoon dynamics: When a typhoon approaches, we must pay close attention to typhoon dynamics and warning information, and obtain the latest weather conditions and countermeasures in a timely manner. At the same time, you must understand the local typhoon emergency plan and self-rescue and mutual rescue knowledge so that you can take effective measures to protect yourself and your family in an emergency.

The above content refers to Baidu Encyclopedia-Shangrao

三、A business menu sign in Shangrao, Jiangxi was demolished by the urban management. What legal issues were involved in this matter?

A business menu sign in Shangrao, Jiangxi was forcibly removed by the urban management. This behavior is extremely incorrect and suspected of overstepping the boundaries of power. Nowadays, the operation of small and micro enterprises is inherently difficult, and they need some policy incentives instead of managing the brand names of small and micro enterprises. When consumers choose to consume, they will also go to see what the store does, and will not ask one by one. If a store only has a name, for example, just the word "restaurant" and no specific business content, consumers will not know it and will not go in to make purchases. It is necessary to manage the signboards of major restaurants, but it cannot be so extreme. This will only make the operation of catering companies more difficult.

In some places, for the sake of urban construction and uniformity, they may uniformly manage the signboards of some small shops. This is of course possible, but it cannot Restricting the words on signboards and not allowing store owners to use certain names would be very incompre hensible. For example, a restaurant in Shangrao, Jiangxi is a so-and-so light food restaurant, and some business contents are written below: oil-free stir-fries and whole-wheat pasta. This is extremely normal, because some people have no idea what a light food restaurant is. Writing down the specific dish names will help consumers understand. However, the urban management management removed these specific business contents and said that they could install scrolling screens for display, but they could not introduce their own business contents on the signboard.

This place has indeed issued a similar document, but this document has not been recognized by the public. Many people who open stores feel that such regulations are nonsense and there are not many usefulness. Some netizens also said that when installing scroll screens, do they need to be purchased somewhere, and then have professionals install them? This is just trying to take advantage of small and micro enterprises, and does not really want to manage small and micro enterprises. The company's sign. When the government issues some policies, it also needs to take people's lives into consideration and cannot be one-size-fits-all.

After seeing this news, netizens said that Zhang Liang Malatang can only be called Zhang Liang, and Lanzhou Ramen can only be called Lanzhou, not Ramen or Malatang.

四、How to take a bus from Shangrao to Sanqingshan and then to Wuyuan?
1. The train can go to Yushan County or Wuyuan County. They are all high-speed rail.
2. When you come out of the urban area of ​​Shangrao City (high-speed rail station) and look around, you will see people soliciting customers to go to Wuyuan or Sanqingshan, but you have to consider whether it is safe and cost-effective.
3. If you have already arrived at Shangrao Station, you can also consider going straight from Shangrao to Sanqing Mountain. You will stay at a B&B at the foot of Sanqing Mountain early in the morning, and get up early tomorrow morning and take the cable car (cableway) up the mountain. If it’s late, stay in Shangrao City and inquire about the price and route of a one-day trip to Sanqingshan Mountain and find a guide. We set off early the next day and had enough time to get down the mountain before the ropeway was shut down in the afternoon.
4. After coming down from Sanqing Mountain, consider going to Wuyuan. Autumn in Huangling Mountain is a good subject for photography enthusiasts. Some other scenic spots are also very beautiful at this time. (The houses in Xiaoqiaoliushui were covered with sediment brought by the river during the flood season and have been cleaned.) You can also take a train or car from Yushan to Wuyuan. But the time period is not very ideal. Look for it yourself. It seems that there are buses in the morning and noon. The high-speed rail departs from Yushan South, and there are buses at noon and evening.
5. I am only familiar with Shangrao City, but I am not familiar with Sanqingshan and Wuyuan. It is difficult to recommend. Please refer to other answers.
