Billboard behind electric bicycle

⒈What are the main forms of advertising?

In the world of advertising, there are many ways to transmit information, each with its own unique charm. First of all, audio-visual advertising is the most familiar to us. TV advertising is like a daily episode in life, while electronic media advertising quietly sounds in the invisible band of radio. Both of them jointly construct our understanding of electronic media advertising.

Printed advertising is also indispensable. Newspapers

In the digital age, online advertising

has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Banner ads, button ads, floating ads and vertical ads, as well as timely pop-up windows, quietly occupy our attention and innovate the form of advertising. In general, advertising mainly shapes our perception of advertising through three dimensions: vision, touch and hearing.

Finally, what we cannot ignore is mobile advertising, which cleverly combines flat surfaces, sound and light with mobile carriers, such as billboards on bicycles, electric bicycles, and even motorcycles and tricycles Mobile advertising, with its flexibility and wide coverage, has become a leader in outdoor advertising, improving communication efficiency and influence.

⒉If you want to make a billboard for repairing bicycles and electric bicycles, please tell me how to write it.
Professional repair of electric bicycles and bicycles, and then give yourself a store name, such as: Xiaoqiang Quick Repair
