Which department is in charge of billboards hanging on the walls of residential buildings?

作者:隋伯运 | 发布日期:2024-09-21 06:07:58

本文目录一览I、How to deal with noise nuisance from billboards outside residential buildings
You can call the mayor’s hotline 12345 to help coordinate. Noise is managed by the Environmental Protection Bureau, while commercial noise seems to be managed by the urban management. If you can't solve it, consider installing soundproof windows in your home.

II、Can billboards be placed on the exterior wall of the second floor?
Billboards usually cannot be placed on the exterior walls of the second floor. According to the relevant provisions of the "Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Management Regulations", if any publicity or slogan is posted or hung on urban buildings, structures or other facilities without the approval of the city appearance and environmental sanitation administrative department of the city people's government, the city people's government shall The administrative department of city appearance and environmental sanitation shall order corrections within a time limit and may impose a fine of not more than 200 yuan. Therefore, it is illegal to hang billboards on the second-floor exterior walls of first-floor shops without the approval of the relevant departments.
However, if the billboard only occupies a part of the exterior wall of the second floor and does not affect the structure of the building, then the billboard can be placed on the exterior wall of the second floor. However, this requires compliance with relevant building regulations and safety standards to ensure the quality and safety of the billboard.

III、Are the urban management law enforcement fees for hanging billboards reasonable?
What you are talking about should be charged by the Urban Management Bureau, which is generally called "outdoor advertising installation management fee"
Whether it is legal or not depends on where you are. The charging items are formulated at the central and local levels. , there is no outdoor advertising setting management fee in the charging items set by the central government, but some provinces have formulated outdoor advertising setting management fees.
If you are in Jiangxi, congratulations. Jiangxi is currently canceling this fee. You can ask them to get it back
If you are in Shandong, this is legal, according to " The General Office of the People's Government of Shandong Province forwarded the Provincial Department of Finance, Construction Department, Industry and Commerce Bureau's Opinions on Strengthening the Management of Revenue from Paid Use of Outdoor Advertising Resources (Lu Zheng Ban Fa [2005] No. 55), and all regions have formulated regulations on the paid use of advertising resources. fee. But you can call 12358 for consultation on the charging range and charging standards.
If you are in other provinces, you can call 12358 and ask yourself
IV、Someone punched a hole in the wall of my house (hung a billboard), what should I do?
1. Report to the urban management, because it is a billboard, I don’t know if he has applied for construction.
2. Depend on the degree. If you hit a lot, if it is aggressive and random, call 110, disturbing people and destroying personal belongings
3. Discuss and see what the other party's attitude is. If it is good, ask him to remove it. For billboards, just patch up the holes.
4. Look at why he installed the billboard. If it is to remind, it is to say bad things that are beneficial to society, which is like Sun Qian. But you tell him not to be so pre sumptuous.
Thank you! !